The Oath of the Wardens of the Haberdashers
The oth of the iiij wardeins of haberdasshers
Ye shal swere that duringe the tyme of your wardenshipp, in that [in]
1 The emendation restores sense and brings the wording in line with that of other later Middle English oaths, such as the heralds’: ‘Item ye shall be servisable […] in that in you is, so helpe you God and holy dom’. Travers Twiss, Monumenta Juridica: The Black Book of the Admiralty, 4 vols (London: Longman, 1871–1876), I, p. 297. you is, ye shall obserue, mainteine, and kepe all the goode rewlys & ordening now made and to be made concerninge the wele & politik gou
ernanuce of oure fellowshippe, and also ye shal be egall and indifferent betwene partie and party of suche matters as shal be deposed and ministred tofore you; & to th’encrease of the fellowshipe ye shall do your parte nothinge concele nor enbesile by the which our saide fellowship may be hurte, defamed or sclaundered, but ye shall doo due administracon & execucion as wele vppon the riche as vpon the poore, soo healpe you god and holydom.
2 Two partly erased lines, written in different hand, immediately below the text block remain partly visible: it is ordeyn [….] not to be sett on werke vntyll conceite’.in that in you is: to the best of your abilities
enbesile: embezzle
holydom: all things sacred