The Bilingual Ordinances of the Hatmakers
[f. 1r]
Article 1
Fyrst, it is established and ordeyned that all and singuler brederne, whatsomeuer nacion they be, of the feliship and ffraternite of Saynt Jamys, begonne and kepte in the church of the frirys prechoures of the Cyte of London by the hatmakers dwellinge within and nighe the seid Cite of London, in tyme folowing to ben electe and chosyn brederne of the same fraternite shal be of good name and fame. And namely such as before ther admission and recepcion into the seid fraternite shalle fulfille their cownandes, as well beyonde the see as on this side, with ther masturs with which they lerned ther craft and science of, if they before the tyme of their admission haue serued any mastur.
frirys prechoures: friars preacher, Dominicans
in tyme folowing: from now on
cownandes: covenants, agreements
Item, dat is versament ende geordynert dat alle ende eenyegelick broderen, van wat lande ofte nacion dat sye siin, van den geselscop ende broderscop van Sunte Jacobs, begunnen ende geholden in de kerke der prediker orden in de stat van London by den hoitmakers wonende in London ofte omtrent London, in nacomende tijden sullen vntfangen ende ingenomen broders van derseluer broderscop wesen sullen van gueden name ende van gueden geruchte sijn, ende namelike voer hoer incomynge ende vntfangynge in dese selue broderscop sullen hebben wuldaen als truwe dienres tobehoert also well begeenzide de see als an deser zide der see myt horen meyster daer sie hoer ambocht ende kunst mede geleert hebben ende of sie voir der tijd hoere incomynge hebben gedient enigen meyster.
versament: enjoined, agreed
eenyegelick: every
geruchte: repute
wuldaen: fulfilled
begeenzide: on the other side
[f. 1v]
Article 2
Item, it is established and ordeyned that all and singuler brederne of the seid fraternite at ther fyrst entering into the same fraternite shall pai or do to be paid to the maisturs and kepers of the same fraternite xx d. sterling and singuler termes aftur, that is to sey, eueri quarter immediatly folowyng such a summe as of olde tyme haue byn vsed and obserued and as by the maisturs and wardens of the same fraternite shabbe reasonabli limyted and assigned.
d.: pence
singuler termes aftur: each and every period thereafter
shabbe: shall be
limyted: prescribed
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat alle ende eenyegelicken broderen van der voirseide broderscop tot hoer eerste incomynge sullen betalen ofte doen betalen tot den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop xx d. sterling ende woert to sunderliken terminen, dat is to voirstaen, to elken quaten dage dairna comende al sulken summe als van olden tijden geusyert ende geholden gewest is bi den meysters ende ouersienders van der suluer broderscop de daer to geset sijn.
woert: continuing on
to voirstaen: to wit
geset: appointed
Article 3
Item, it is established and ordeyned that no maystur ne bredur of the seid fraternite shall take, occupi, or accept ani man that commith from beyonde the see wishyng or intendyng to occupy and vse the seid craft of hatmakyng within this realme of England but if the seid seruaunt haue continuelli been a lerner of the seid occupacion with a maistur of the seid crafte by the space of ij yere at the leist, and he at hys fyrste entrynge pay, or do to be payed, to the maisturs and wardeins of the same fraternite which- [f. 2r] sumeuer, for the tyme being, viij d. sterling, or els his maistur whomme he is to serue to answere and pay the seid viij d. undur payn of vi s. viii d. at euery such defaute without any remission, to be payd to the seid maisturs and wardens to the use of the seid craft and feliship of Saynt Iamys before rehersed.
but if: unless
whichsumeuer: whichever
answere: assume liability
payn: fine
s.: shilling
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat geen meyster noch broder van derseluer broderscop sal genen knecht tot him nemen ofte to werken setten de dair van auer geen zide der zee comet om vnse ambocht te done ende to vseren myt vns int koninckrik van Engeland – dat en sij sake dat die selue knecht stedfastelick heeft gewest een leerknecht myt enen meyster van denseluen ambocht den termyn van ij iaren ten alre mynsten. Ende hie to sijn erste incomynge sal betalen ofte doen betalen den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop to elken tijden enigen knecht so komende viii d. sterlinges, ofte anders sijn meyster to verantworden ende betalen voir denseluen knecht viij d. vp een bote van vi s. viij d. to elker sulker wirsumenisse sal betalen sunder enige voirgeuynge to denseluen meysters ende ouersienders van denseluen ambocht ende geselschop van Sunte Iacobs voirgesproken.
auer geen zide: from over the other side
dat en sij sake: unless it be the case
den enigen knecht so komende: for every apprentice thus arriving
to elker sulker wirsumenisse: for every such infringement
Article 4
Item, it is established and ordeyned that nown of the brederne of the seid fraternite shall haue any mansion or inhabbite within nown othyr man, that is to sey, within any fuller, weuer, taylor, or [f. 2v] any odur artifer, by reson wherof they schuld informe and instructe the seid fullers, weuers, talors, and such other in the seid crafte of hatmakynge, excepte that the seid fullers, weuers, talors be instructe and lernid before in the seid craft of hatmakynge and lafulli chosin and accepte as brederne of the same fraternite. And whosumeuyr fulfilleth not ne obeyth this ordinaunce and statute to fall into the payn and multe aftur, of the discrecion maysters and wardence of the same fraternite to be limited, and without any remissioun to be payd.
nown: none
inhabbite: lodge
artifer: craftsman
excepte that: unless
instructe and lernid: educated and trained
lafulli: lawfully
accepte: accepted
fall into the payn and multe aftur: subsequently incur the penalty and fine
limited: determined
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat geen van den broderen van derseluer broderscop sal hebbe gene wonynge ofte mede-inwonynge myt genen anderen luden, dat is te voirstaen de fullers, weuers, snyders ofte mit enigen anderen ambochtsluden by den welken dat sie solden leren ofte vnderwise denseluen fullers, weuers, snyders, ofte summige anderen luden van den ambocht der hoitmakynge, vtgenomen dat die voirseiden fullers, weuers, ende snyders geleert sijn gewest van denseluen ambocht der hoitmakynge, rechtelike ontfangen ende ingenomen als broderen van derseluer broderscop. Ende soe wie dat niet veruullet noch niet horsam en is tot desse ordinancy ende insettinge sal vallen in de bote ende to den seggen van den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop de dairto geset sijn, ende sunder enige vergifenisse sullen betalen.
vtgenomen dat: unless
horsam: obedient
insettinge: statute
[f. 3r]
Article 5
Item, it is established and ordeyned that no maistur ne brodur of the seid craft of hatmakynge schall take or accept any man to be instructe and informed in the crafte, but he within vi wekes aftur and immediatly folowyng the tyme of his admission presente the seid seruaunte to iiij maisturs of the same fraternite whichsumeuyer, for the tyme beyng. Moreouer, no brodur of the seid fraternite shall take passing oun seruant to lerne the seid craft within the space of ij yere, but if it fortune his seid seruante by the visitacion of god to dye or absente hymsilf continuelly from his seid maistur and seruice. The seid seruaunt at his fyrst entring to pay, or his maistur which he is to serue, i lb. of wex. And whosumeuyr attempte the contrary to pay xx s. at eur such tyme. The seid xx s. to be deuided into ii partis: the fyrst to the bishop or ordinary before whom the seid cause shal be discussed or moued; the secunde to the maysturs and wardence of the seid fraternite.
but: unless
passing oun: more than one
lb.: pound (in weight)
eur: every
ordinary: ecclesiastical official with jurisdiction appointed by the bishop
Item, dat is versament ende geordinieert dat geen meyster noch broder van vnsen ambocht van hoitmakyng sal vntfangen ofte annemen genen leerknecht om te lerne hem dat selue ambocht meer bynnen vi weken sal presenteren denseluen knecht voir de iiij meysters van derseluer broderscap ende laten hem inscriuen. Meer ouer dat geen broder van derseluer broderscap en sal tot ij iaren meer enen knecht an setten dat en weer sake dat die knecht ouermits bij [f. 3v] visitatien uns here storue ofte en wech liepe van synen meyster dair he mede diende. Deselue knecht tot synre ersten inscriuinge sal betalen, ofte sijn meyster dair he mede wonet, i lb. wasses. Ende we dit voirsmaet ofte dair tegen doet sal verboren xx s. also menichmael als hie dat voirboirt. Welke xx s. sullen gedelt werden in twen delen: dat eerste deel to ten biscop ofte ordinary dar de saken sullen voirkomen; dat ander deel sal gaen to den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscap ende gilde.
meer ouer: moreover
dat een weer sake: unless it were the case
overmits bij: on account of
storue: were to die
wasses: of wax
voirsmaet: disregards
verboren: incur a fine of
voirboirt: offends
Article 6
Item, it is established and ordeyned that if any seruaunt of the seid craft be a rebell or inobediently with his free will, without licence asked and obteyned of his maistur, departe and go awey from his seid maistur and seruice, that than no maistur ne broder of the same fraternite shall take or accepte the seid seruante so inobediently departing without licence of his fyrst maistur whom he before serued, vndyr payn of vi s. viii d. sterling to the forseid fraternite as oftin tymes as he shall contrary this statute, to be assigned and payd without any remission.
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert ofte dair enich knecht van vnsen ambocht weer unhorsam ende ende myt synen vrien willen sunder orlof en wech liepe van synen meyster dair he mede dent, dat dan geen meyster noch broder van der seluen broderscop sal annemen noch vntfangen denseluen knecht, het en sij by willen van synen ersten meyster dair he to voren mede diende, [f. 4r] vp de bote van vi s. ende viij. d sterling to derseluen broderscap also dicwile als hie doet tegen de artikelen sal betalen als is voirseid sunder enige voirgiffenisse.
ofte: if
weer unhorsam: were disobedient
Article 7
Item it is established and ordeyned that if it fortune any seruaunte of the same fraternite inobediently, as is before rehersed, to departe from his maistur and seruice and aftyr by repentaunce to be reconsiled and gladde to serue his seid maistur, that thenne the seid seruant so conuerted and comyng agayn shal pay or do to be payed to the vse and profet of the same fraternite vi s. viiij d. And the maystur keping and accepting the seid seruant shall answore the seid vi s. viiij d. and pay.1 pay] MS payed.
Item dat is versamet ende geordinert dat est dat soe queme ouermits enige fortune dat een leerknecht van derseluer broderscap vnhorsamlike als is voirgescreuen en wech liepe van sijnen meysters dienste ende dan ouermits verbeteringe ende der versanynge weder quame ende gueden willen hebbende synen meister weder te denende, dat dair die selue knecht so bekert ende weder comende sal betalen oft doen betalen to den behof ende profijt van derseluer broderscop vj s. viiij d. Ende deselue meyster de den knecht to werke set sall verantworden voir de vj s. ende viiij d. ende betalen.
est dat soe queme: should it come about
ouermits: because of
versanyge: reconciliation
Article 8
Item, it is established and ordeyned that if any brodrun of the seid fraternite fall into any contra- [f. 4v] versie or variaunce and can not aggre bi themesilfe, that then ij masturs of the seid fraternite with assistence of ther clerke lafully deputed to the same shall examen and finiall determe and ende the said cause of discorde, prouided allwey that the seid cause of discorde nethor twich the kynges highnes, ne liberte and right of the church. And whosumeuyr attempeth the contrary of this forseid statute in word or deed, pryvely or opynli, to forfet at eury suche tyme and defaute vi s. viij d., to be applied to the vse and profeit of the same fraternite, without contradicion or remission to be paid.
variaunce: discord
deputed: assigned
finiall determe: conclusively resolve
twich: touch, affect
Item dat is versament ende geordinert ofte dair enich van den brederen van der broderscap de een den anderen voircoim mit gramscop ofte mit anderen saken, ende en kunne gene vrede tusschen malcanderen hebben, dat dan ij van den meysteren van derseluer broderscop myt bystandicheit van horen clerke dairto rechtwerdelick sullen examineren ende voirenigen de selue sake der twidracht, alle wege angesien dat die selue sake ende twidracht niet an en gaet des koninges maieste, noch vridom ende recht van der hilliger kerken. Ende we dat dair doet contrary desen voirseiden artikell in worden ofte in dade, hemelick ofte openbaer- lic, de sal voirboren tot allen tijden als hie dair in is gewonden vj s. viiij d. sterling to den behof ende profijt van der broderscop sunder enige wederseggynge noch voirgiffenisse to betalen.
rechtwerdelick: fairly
angesien dat: provided that
voirenigen: arbitrate
[f. 5r]
Article 9
Item, it is established and ordeyned that non of the seid fraternite shall arreste or cause to be arrested or imprison any other broder of the same fraternite for any summe which extendith not aboue xx s. but ii maisturs or wardens of the same fraternite whit th’assistence of ther seid clerke shall resonabli aggre, accorde, and make pease betwix the seid parties, assignyng the tyme of payment aftur ther discrecion. And whomsumeuyr douth ayenst this ordinaunce and statute, to be condemned in iiij li. of wex at euery such defaute, to be applied to the vse of the seid fraternite. And the partie hurt or aggreuyd to be recompensed aftur the discrecion of the wardens.
douth ayenst: contravenes
Item dat is versament ende geordinert dat geen broder van derseluer broderscop sal reisteren ofte doen reisteren ofte in wangenisse leggen enigen broder van derseluer broderscop voir enige summe van gelde dat niet en draget bauen xx s. sterling. Meer ii meysters ende ouersienders myt bystandicheid van horen clerke sullen redeliken corderen ende vrede make tusschen de partien ende setten een certeyn tijd der betalinge na horen voirstandenisse. Ende we tegens dessen ordinanci ofte artikell doet sal voirboren iiij lb. wasses to allen tijden als hie schuldich is gewunden, ende dat sal gaen to den behof der broderscop. Ende ofte de partien malcanderen beclagen, sullen de meysters nae hour verstandenisse verenigen ende to vrede stellen.
reisteren: arrest
in wangenisse leggen: put in prison
bauen: above, exceeding
[f. 5v]
Article 10
Item it is established and ordeyned that all and singuler brederne of the said fraternyte shall kepe and obserue vnite and pease, and no broder of the same fraternite shall bring forth or sey to, or of, any broder of the seid fraternite any maliciouse, iniurose, or wordes of dispite. And whosumeuyr douth or attemptit the contrary shall pay or do to be payd to the masturs and wardens of the seid fraternite ij li. of wex. And the partie in that behalfe aggreued or hurt ayenst and of whome the seid maliciose or iniurose wordis were spokyn to be rewarded and recompensed aftur the discrecion of the maisturs and wardens of the seid ffraternite or by any other juge competente before whome2 Written above the line, with caret mark after ‘before’, in different hand (scribe 2?). the seid cause shall fortune to be mouued and finally determenyd.
bring forth: utter
iniurose: offensive (words)
in that behalfe: in this matter
Item dat is versament ende geordinert dat alle ende yegelike broderen van derseluer broderscop sullen holden ende bewaren endrechticheid ende vrede ende geen van den broderen van derseluer broderscop sall voirt brengen ofte seggen tot synen broder3 ‘tot syne broder’ written above line, preceded by caret mark, in different hand (scribe 2?). enige quade ofte vnrechtwerdighe worde van spite. Ende we dair tegens doet sal betalen ofte doen betalen to den meysters ende ouerseinders van derseluer broderscop ij lb. wasses, ende in dat behalue dat de partien to den welken dur de quade ende spityge worde togesecht sijn sullen hebben verberter- inge na den voirtstandenisse van den meysters ende ouersiendes derseluer broderscop ofte to enigen anderen rechtere voir ween de saken geopenbaert mogen werden ende voireniget.
spite: contempt
in dat behalue: on this point
voirstandenisse: judgement, discretion
voireniget: arbitrated
[f. 6r]
Article 11
Item, it is established and ordeyned that if any seruaunte or iurneyman of the iseid fraternite, without license asked of his mastur and obteyned of the same, inobedientli or with his good wyll departe and goo awey as is before rehersed, being in his mastur his deit or owyng hym any seruice, that than no broder of the same fraternite shal take, accepte, or occupy the seid seruant. And if the mastur from whome the seid seruant or iourneyman so departed send for his seid seruant or iourneyman by the clerke of the felischyp or the same fraternite vnto the broder that so shall occupy hym contrary to this statute, the same broder doyng so contrary to this statute shall, immediatly aftur that the clerke shall warne hym, put that seruant or iourneyman owt of his howse and not to kepe hym, vndyr payn of vi s. viii d., as oftyn as the iseid4 isied] MS idseid. clerke shall so warne hym, to the seid fraternite to be applyed, and the mastur so agrreuyd in that behalfe to be recompensed aftur the discrecion of the masturs and wardence of the same fraternite.
mastur his deit: master’s debt
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert ofte enige knecht van synen meyster gaet myt orlof ofte sunder orlof, wesende in sijns meysters schult, denst, ofte gelt, ende werket myt enigen anderen broder ofte meyster ofte him dan syn meyster den he so schuldich is sijn werck doet verbeiden myt den clerke soe sal syn meyster dair he mede werket hem siin werck doen laten liggen ende laten hem gaen vt synen huse ende corderen mit sinen meister de he schuldich is, vp de bote van vi s. viii d. [f. 6v] sterling also mannichmal als hem de clerck warning gift, te voirboren tot den profit ende behof der gilden voirscreuene, ende de broder to vrede geset de hem beclaget naden verstande van den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop.
te voirboren: to pay
Article 12
Item, it is established and ordeyned that if any broder of the same frater- nitte maliciousli drawe owt his daggar, sword, or knyf, or any other instrument defensive to hurt or wronge any man of the same fraternite, that he shall pay to the masturs and wardence at euery suche defaut ii s. iiij d. And he that drawith or castith, hurt or wronge any man of the same fraternite with stonys, lovis, pottis, dishis, candilstickis, or any other thing aboue rehersed, all though ther folow no blode-scheding of the seid hurtys or iniurioseis, shall pay to the seid fraternite iiij lb. of wexe. And if he drawe blodde, all though ther folow no maymme therof, he shall pay vi s. viii d. And if it be a mayme, he shall pay x s. ouyer and byside that he so hurtith and wrongyth shall compownde with hym that is so hurte and wronged and recompense and satisfy him for his hurtis and wrongis aftur the discrecion of the maisturs and wardens of the same fraternite
or any other iuge before whome it shall fortune hym to be callid for the same trespasse. And if any broder of the seid fraternite wilfully sle any man of the same fraternite, that thenne he shal be put owt and vtturly excludet from the seid fraternite to be.
drawith: draws a weapon
castith: aims blows
hurt or wronge: should he hurt or wrong
lovis: loaves of bread
iniurioseis: injuries
he so hurtith and wrongyth: he who so hurts and wrongs someone
compownde: come to a settlement with
[f. 7r]
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat of enich broder van der broderscop ut trecket synen dagger, mes, ofte swert, ofte enigherhande ander wapen in gramschap om synen broder mede te krenken, he sal verboren iii s. iiij d. also mennich- mael als hie dat doet. Ende hie dat slaet ofte werpet synen medebroder myt enigerhande dinge, als myt stenen ofte myt brode, myt potten, scotelen, candelers ofte enigerhande ander dinck, al reyst hie geen bloet, sal betalen totter broderscop iiij lb. wasses. Ende ofte dat so weer dat hie bloet reisede de sal betalen totter broderscop vi s. viiij d. Ende ofte hie enige broder lam sloge ofte vermencte, hie sal voirboren x s. Meer ouer, de den anderen so mysdoet de sal beteringe doen van der mysdaet totten seggen van den meysters ende ouersienders van der broderscop ofte enigen anderen rechter voir ween de sake mochten komen. Ende ofte enich broder myt voirrade enigen broder van der broderscap doet sloge, den sal men vtdoen ende niet meer voir enen broder nemen.
gramschap: anger
reyst bloet: draws blood
vtdoen: expel
voirrade: premeditation
Article 13
Item, it is stablished and ordeyned that if it fortune any broder of the seid fraternite to be lame, blinde, febill, brokyn with age, or visited with any other sekenesse so that he may not labour ne gete his clothinge and foode, ne otherwyse help hymsilfe, if so be that he before that same sekenesse haue stonde a broder of the same fraternite by the space of vij yerys and haue done and paid duly, ryghtfully, and feithfully all his dewtyes to the seid ffraternite [f. 7v] and haue fulfilled, obserued, and kept all maner of ordinaunces and statuteys of the seid ffraternite, that thenne he that is so visited shall retene wekeli durynge his lif x d. of the seid wardence and fraternite, prouided alwey that the seid seke and febill man haue not good sufficiente to finde himsilfe.
haue stonde: has continued to be
find himsilfe: provide for himself
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat it queme dat dair enich broderen van der broderscap lam worde, blind, amechtich, ouerkomen myt older, ouermits enige ander sekenisse so dat hie niet mochte arbeiden noch wynnen syne kost noch cleding, ofte in geenre maneren hemseluen helpen, is dat sake dat hie voir derseluer sekenesse heeft gewest een broder van derseluer broderscap den termyn van vij jaren ende heuet wuldaen ende betalt rechtuerdelick al dat hie schuldig was to derseluer broderscop ende heeft geholden ende vullenbracht al maner van der ordinanci ende artikel van der voirseiden broderscap, dat dan de is so geuisitiert van gode sal vntfangen elke weke nacocomende so lange als hie leuet x d. van den voirseiden meysteren ende ouersienders van der broderscop, alle tijd angesien dat dieselue man en heuet niet guedes ghenoch hemseluen mede to wynden tot sijnre notdruft.
it qeme: should it befall
amechtig: disabled
is dat sake: if it is the case that
to wynden tot sijnre notdruft: to provide for his need
Article 14
Item, it is established and ordeyned that all the brederne of the seid fraternite shal come and appere togedur iiij tymes in the yere, that is to sey, euery quaterday in a conuenyent place to be lymyted and assigned by the masturs and wardence of the seid fraternite for the tyme [f. 8r] beyyng. And not onli in the iiij seid quater days but as oft as they be warned by the seid maisturs and wardence or any of them be monyshed to appere for any conuocacion to be had the which concernith any poynt of the statuteis or ordinawnces of the seid fraternite or craft, vpon payn of i lb of wexe to be applied to the seid fraternite as oft as they fayle.
monyshed: admonished, instructed
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat alle de broderen van derseluer broderscop sullen comen te gader ende openbaeren hem to samen to iiii tijden inden jaer, dat is te voirstaende, to elken quaterdage in een stede die dair to geordinert wort by den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop ende wort tot allen tijden als sie gewarnt werden by horen clerke ouermits den meysters ende ouersienders om enige poynten ofte om enige saken de angaen derseluer broderscop, vp ene bote van i lb. wasses.
wort tot allen tijden: further at all times
overmits: on behalf of
Article 15
Item, it is established and ordeyned that all the brederne of the seid fraternite in the fest of Saint Jamys shal be at the high masse of the seid Saint Jamys weryng suche liuery as shal be though beste by the wardence of the seid fraternite. And euery broder shall offer at the same masse i d., and euery wyf of the seid brederne shall offer ob. And the same brederne next in the morow next and immediatly folwyng the same feste shal be at the masse of requiem werying also ther seid lyuereys. And euery broder shall offer ther ob., vpon payn of ij li of wexe to be payd to the masturs and brederne [f. 8v] of the seid fraternite without any remission by eueri broder that obseruyth not ne kepith this ordinaunce without a lafull excuse, to þe vse and profyt of the same fraternite as oft as they fayle.
though: thought
ob.: halfpenny
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat alle de broderen van derseluer broder- scop inder hochtijt van Sunte Iacobs sullen comen5 Written above the line and preceded by caret mark (scribe 2?). in der hogen myssen van Sunte Iacobs dragende al sulke leuerye als hem alle gued duncket te wesen. Ende elke broder sal offeren to derseluen missen i d. ende ellick wyf van derseluer broderscop sal offeren enen half pennyng. Ende deselue broderen des naesten dages des morgens dairna comende to seluer hochtijd sullen wesen to der missen van requiem ende dragende hoer leuery. Ende elke broder sal offeren i d. vp de bote of ij lb. wasses to betalen to de meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop sunder enige vergiffenisse. Ende ellick broder de dat niet en doet ende holt desse ordinanci, vtgenomen een redelick excusacie, de sal verboren totter seluer broderscop also dicwill als hie dat versumet.
Article 16
Item, it is established and ordeyned that if any broder or broderis wyf of the ffraternite decesse, that thenne all the brederne of the same fraternite shal goo to the burying and sepulture, ther abydyng vnto the tyme that the body be buried. Also, the seid brederne shal be at the masse of requiem to be sange or to be seid for the sowle of the seyd deed man or woman, and eche of them shall offer aftur ther deuocioun vppon payne [f. 9r] of i li. wexe at euery suche tyme, to be applied vnder maner and forme before rehersed.
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat dair enich broder ofte broders wijf van derseluer broderscop storue dat dan alle die broderen van den broderscop sullen comen to de begrauinge myt hoere leuerye als dairto geordinert is ende dair bliuende to der tijd dat de licham is begrauen. Ende alle de broderen sullen wesen to der missen van requiem de men sal singen ofte lesen voir de ziele des doden mannes ofte vrouwen. Ende ellick broder van derseluer broderscop sullen offeren i d., vp de bote van i lb. wasses de dat versumet ende niet en doet.
Article 17
Item, it is established and ordeyned, if it fortune any broder of the seid fraternite to be impouerysshid be the visitacyoun of god or otherwise of any other sekenesse, and be so febill and seke that he may not labour for his leuing, and haue byn in the same debylite and sekenesse by the space of vj days, that then the same febyll and seke man shall receue wekeli during his infirmite or sekenesse of the maysturs and wardence of the same fraternyte viiij d., prouided alwey that the same broder so being seke that he is compelled to kepe his beed, and all the tyme that he hath bin a broder of the same fraternite before his infirmite, pouerte, and sekenesse haue obserued and kepte all maner of ordinaunces and laudable custummes and statutes of the same frayernite as odire brederne of the seid fraternite haue obserued and6 Illegible. MS reading conjectural. fulfilld and [f. 9v] kepte.
he hath bin: he who has been
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat of enich broder van derseluer broderscop comende in sekenesse ouermits der visiteringe ons heren ofte in ander maneren van siecknesse, end so sieck wesende dat hie mach niet arbeiden voir de noetdruft synes liues, ende dat hie heeft gewest in der sekenesse ende krancheid ouermits de space van vj dage, dat dan deselue krancke ende sieck man sal vntfangen elke weke nacomende, so lange7 Written above line, with caret mark after ‘so’. als hie sieck is, van den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop viiij d. sterling, alle tijd angesien dat die selue broder soe sieck wesende dat hie te bedde licht ende alle die tijd dat hie heuet geweset een broder van der broderscop voir sine sieckenesse ende krancheid heuet vuldaen ende geholden al maner van ordinanci ende erlike custume ende articulen van derseluer broderscop als ander broderen hebben vuldaen ende geholden.
noetdruft: essential needs
angesien dat: provided that
Article 18
Item, it is established and ordeyned that no broder of the seid fraternite shal bey by himsilf or by his wyf nor seruaunt to his knowlege no maner of feltes, flossche noon hattis, to any man but only to them that be of the same fraternite vnder payn of xx s., to be applied vndur maner and forme folowyng: that is to sey, vi s. and viii d. to hym that detectith him that so trespassith, vi s. viii d. to the bishop of the place where the trespasser dwelleth, vi s. viij d. to the masturs and wardence of the same fraternite to the behof and profete of the seid [f. 10r] fraternite, as often as any of the seid brederne doth ayenist and brekyth this seyd ordinaunce and statute.
bey: the sense must be ‘sell’.
flossche: adorn with thrums? (see above, p. 98)
Item, dat is versament ende geordineert dat geen van derseluer broderscop sullen vercopen bii hem seluen ofte by synen wyue noch geen van synen huse to sinen weten geen maneer van vilten, noch hoeden vlosschen, dan allene to dengenen de inder broderscop syn, vp die bote van xx s. vnder dese maneer ende forme: dat is to seggende, die dat erst meldet ofte wort brenget de ouertredinge vi s., viij d. to den bisscop van den place dair de auertreder wonet, vi s viij d to den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop, vi s. viii d. to den profijt ende behof van derseluer broderscop, also dicwile als enich van den voirseiden broderen doet tegens desse ordinance ende statute.
vlosschen: adorn with thrums? (see above, p. 98)
auertreder: trespasser
Article 19
Item, it is established and ordeyned that no broder of the seid fraternite shall take no maner a man or put to his occupacion of the seid craft of hatmakynge without he by lerneth in the same fraternite, nor noon other that comyth frome any mastur of any odur fraternite or felyshyp, vpon suche payne as by the masturs and more parte of the seid brederne of the seid fraternite shal be resonably aftur ther discrecioun limited and assigned.
without he by lerneth: unless he has learned his trade
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert dat geen broder van derseluer broderscop sal annemen genen knecht ofte to werke setten de myt enigen anderen meister geleert heeft de in vnser broderye niet en is, he en betale de bote to den meysters ende ouersienders van derseluer broderscop als he [f. 10v] kan corderen mytten iiij meysteren de dair to geset sijn.
he en betale: and if he does not, he must pay
Article 20
Item, it is established and ordeyned that if any seruant departe fromme his mastur and seruice with licence or without licence asked and obteyned of his mastur, that thenne no broder of the same fraternite shall take or accepte the seid seruant so departyng without licence of his masturs whome he before serued, vpon payne of iiij li. wex, to be applied and paid to the seyd fraternite without any contradiction or remission.
Item, dat is versament ende geordinert of enich knecht van synen meyster genge myt orlof ofte sunder orlof ende gaet tot enen anderen meister om myt him to werken soe en sal geen broder van derseluer broderscop den knecht to werke setten, hie en vrage ersten sinen meister dair he van gegaen is oft dat sijn wille sy, vp de bote van iiij lb. wasses sunder enige voirgiffenisse te betalen.
hie en vrage: unless he asks
Article 21
Item, it is established and ordeyned that euery lerner [of] the seid crafte of hatmakynge in the ende of his termys, bifore he be admitted and accepte als a felow and iorneyman of the same fraternite, shall pay to the seid fraternite i lb. of wex.
Item dat is voirsament ende geordinert dat elke leerknecht van denseluen am- bocht van hoitmakyng in dat eende van synen termyne, eer hie togelaten is ende ingenomen als een geselle, sal betalen to derseluer broderscop i lb. wasses.
[f. 11r]
Article 22
Item, it is establisshed and ordeyned that it shal be lefull to the maisters and brederne of the saide fraternitie of Seynt James before rehersede to amende and correcte alle the articles, statutes, and ordynaunces aboue rehersed and yche of theym, so that the saide correcion be not repugnaunt to the lawes of god and the kyng.
lefull: permissible
so that: provided that, as long as
repugnaunt: contrary
Item dat is togelaten ende geordinert dat sie machtich sullen wesen rechtuerdelike de meisters end de broderen van derseluer broderscop van Sunte Jacobs als is voirgheseid to verbeteren en corrigeren alle die articulen, statuten ende ordinancien bauen gescreuen ende ellick van hem soe dat dieselue correctie sij niet tegen godes recht noch des konynges maieste.
soe dat: provided that
Article 23
Item, it is establisshed and ordeyned by the hole fraternitie that no maister nor brother of this same fraternitie shall put no hattes for to be flosshede, nor cause no hattes to be flosshede, nor put no feltes to be made withoute his house, vp payne of forfetyng of xx shyllynges, which xx s. to be dyuydede into three partes, that is to say: the furste part to th’accuser; the secunde part to the buschoppe or ordynarie for hym afore whom any such cause shal be discussede; and the thred parte therof to the holy [f. 11v] apostele Seynt James, wythoute any forgeuyng of the same forfetynges.
flosshede: ?
put: arrange for
withoute his house: out of house (the outsourcing of work is prohibited: see above, p. 46).
Item, dat is versament ende gheordineert dat gheen meester noch broeder van derseluer broederscyp gheen felten en sal doen maken noch hoden doen floschen buten synen8 ‘doen floschen buten synen’ supplied in margin. huyse op dye verbuerte van xx shyllynghen ende dese werscreuen xx schellynghen ghedeelt in drie deelen: dat eerste deel voer den aenbryngher, en dat ender del voer den bisscop oft oerdenari daer die sake voer comet, ende dat darde voere den heylyghen apostel Gods Sinte Jacop sonder enighe vergeuynghe te betalen.
floschen: ?
Article 24
Item, it is establysshede and ordenede that no maister nor brother of this same fraternytie putt to werke no seruante commynge from beyonde the see, excepte it be cause that he bryng a letter of hys maister where he his occupacon hath lernede atte leest ij or iij yeres. And if there be any doynge contrary of thys same, vppon payne of forfetynge of xx shylynges sterlynges, whiche money shall be dyvydede into three partes: the furst parte to the executer of the same; the secunde parte to the busshoppe or ordinary, or for theym that this cause shall determyne accordyng to this, the maisters wyll [f. 12r] and dede; and the thredde parte therof to the holy apostell Seynt James, wythoute forgevynge any of the same forfetynges.
except it be cause: unless it be the case
Item, dat is versament ende gheoerdineert dat gheen meester noch broeder van derseluer broederscap en sall gheen knecht to werke setten die daer comet van ouer see ofte aen dese side van der se oft en si sake dat hy eenen leerbrief brynghet van sinen meester daer hy syn ambacht ofte const mede gheleert heeft ten alder minsten ij ofte iij jaren. Ende so wye hyer teghe doet vp dye boete van xx shellynghen sterlynes, ende dese voerscreuen xx shellynghen ghedeelt in drien deelen: dat eerste del voer den aenbryngher, ende dat ender deel voer den bisscop ofte oerdenari daer die sake voer comet, dat derde deel voer den heylyghen apostell Gods Sent Jacop, ende dat sonder enyghe vergeuynghe te betalen.
oft en si sake: unless it were the case
Article 25
It is establisshed and ordeyned by the .iiij. maisters, Andrewe Morter, James Lese, Bartylmewe Brynke, Herry Gram, and also by the hole brederhode of Seynt James in London of the freers prechours there in the yere of oure lord God mlccccc and one that euery seruaunt of that occupacion [f. 12v] of hatmakynge that makyth and flosshyth hattes shall wassh theym and make theym clene, redy to the sale. Yf any such seruaunt refuse so to doo, nor wyll not, and therfore depart from his maister, then after that if any brother sett hym on werke shall forfete xx s., to be dyuydede into two partes: the one part therof to the busshopp or ordynary afore whome any such matter shall be examyned and discussed, and the tother parte thereof to the said bretherhode of Seynt James.
[f. 13r]
Article 26
[I]t9 Space left for a decorated Lombardic capital that was never supplied. is establysshed and ordeynede that any of the breder of the fraternytie of Seynt James by the hole brotherhode therof chosen warden doo disobey the good ordre of the said brederhode and specially the maisters of the same, and so vtterly refuse to be warden of the same fraternytye and will be no warden whan he is chosen so to be, therfore shall forfete xx shellynges, the one halfe thereof to the busshop or ordenarie afore whome any suche cause shall be examyned and discussede, and the tother halfe thereof to the said brederhode of Seynt James, wythoute forgeuyng of any parte of such forfetynges.
[f. 13v]
Article 27
[I]t10 As above. is establysshede and ordeyened that if any of the said brederhode of Seynt James will not com to the maisters of the same fraternytie whan they be sent fore, and so inordynatly disobey there wardens agaynste the order of the said brederhode, wherefore any such offender shall forfete for euery such trespasse xx s., the one halfe thereof to the busshopp or ordinary afore whom any [f. 14r] such cause shall be examynede and discussed, and the tother half to the said brederhode of Seynt James, wythoute any forgeyuyng of the said forfetynges.
[f. 14v blank]
1      pay] MS payed. »
2      Written above the line, with caret mark after ‘before’, in different hand (scribe 2?). »
3      ‘tot syne broder’ written above line, preceded by caret mark, in different hand (scribe 2?). »
4      isied] MS idseid. »
5      Written above the line and preceded by caret mark (scribe 2?). »
6      Illegible. MS reading conjectural. »
7      Written above line, with caret mark after ‘so’. »
8      ‘doen floschen buten synen’ supplied in margin.  »
9      Space left for a decorated Lombardic capital that was never supplied. »
10      As above. »