BHO – British History Online
CCR – A. E. Stamp, et al., eds, Calendar of Close Rolls, 47 vols (London: HMSO, 1900–63)
CPRCalendar of Patent Rolls, 1232-1509, 53 vols (London, 1891–1961)
CP40 – The National Archives, Common Plea Rolls
EETS – Early English Text Society
GL – Guildhall Library
HMSO – His Majesty’s Stationery Office
L&P – J. S. Brewer, James Gairdner, and R. H. Brodie, eds, Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, 21 vols in 35 parts (London: HMSO, 1862–1932)
LCA – Stuart Jenks, The London Customs Accounts, Hansischer Geschichts- verein 74 (Cologne: Böhlau, 2018), <>
LMA – London Metropolitan Archives
MNW – Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek
OED – Oxford English Dictionary <>
SRThe Statutes of the Realm, 11 vols (London: G. Eyre and A. Strahan, 1810–28)
TNA – The National Archives
WNT – Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal