Appendix 5 The fate of the Templars in Lincolnshire, 1308–38
Templars imprisoned in Lincoln Castle and included in the accounts of William de Spanneby for Michaelmas 1308
Content - style instruction: {In this appendix, too, the tables are my addition to fix the text (the original used a mixture of tabs and spaces)}
Preceptory (number of years service, reception)
Diocese of penance
Temple Bruer
John de Eagle, preceptor (20, Eagle)
Ranulph de Evesham, priest (4, Upleadon)
Coventry and Lichfield
Richard de Bistlesham (10, Willoughton)
Coventry and Lichfield
Alexander de Halton (15, Cressing)
John de Belsale, preceptor (3, Dinsley)
Richard de Newent (22, New Temple)
Simon Streche, knight, preceptor (8, London)
John Waddon, priest (20, Dinsley)
Henry de la Volee (30, Dinsley)
Robert de Bernwell, chaplain
Robert de Halton, died 29 December 1308
John de Saddlecombe
John du Vaal, died 15 July 1308
Geoffrey Joliffe, died 25 January 1308.
John de Grafton, preceptor (3, Temple Bruer)
Coventry and Lichfield
John de Spaunton (4, Temple Cowton)
Henry le Mareschall, died?
Templars included in the Calendar of Close Rolls entry of 16 July 1311 and doing penance in the Diocese of Lincoln
To Roger de Wyngefeld. Order to pay, out of the issues of the Templars’ lands in his custody to John, Bishop of Lincoln for […] Templars lately delivered to him […] to place in certain monasteries to do penance, the wages for their maintenance from the day of St. Alban the Martyr last until the next parliament, to wit, 4d. each daily, as they were wont to receive previously, satisfying them also for arrears of the same due to them.
Templars (number of years service, reception)
Home preceptory
Place of penance
Simon Strech
Eagle (Lincs.)
St Katherine’s, Lincoln
John de Stok
New Temple (London)
William de la Forde
Denny (Cambs.)
William Raven
Denny (Cambs.)
Thomas Chaumberlain
Upleadon (Heref.)
Hugh de Tadecastre
Denny (Cambs.)
William de Sautre
Sandford (Oxon.)
William de Burton
Temple Combe (Som.)
Roger le Norreys
Cressing (Essex)
Thomas Ludham (11 days, Ewell)*
New Temple (London)
St Albans
William de Cheleseye (5, Sandford)*
Sandford (Oxon.)
Alan de Neusom (6, Ewell)*
Shipley (Sussex)
John de Sadelescumbe*
Eagle (Lincs.)
William de Bernewell*
Eagle (Lincs.)
William de Hedingdon* †
Peter de Otterringham, Master’s attorney (5, Wilbraham)*
New Temple (London)
William de Pokelington (3, Ribston)*
Garway (Heref.)
St Andrew’s (Northants.)
William de Thorp (6 or 7, Foulbridge)* ‡
Denny (Cambs.)
Content - style instruction: {The following paragraphs in <style-replace> style are notes cued to the text of the appendix; some are cued multiple times.}
Content - style replace: * Not included in the account of William de Spanneby for Temple Bruer.
Content - style replace: † This may be William de Egendon, preceptor of Shipley (14, Dinsley).
Content - style replace: ‡ William de Thorpe was once keeper of Wilbraham (Cambs.).
Name spellings are as in the Calendar Rolls. Places of penance from C. Clubley, ‘John de Dalderby, Bishop of Lincoln, 1300–1320’ (Ph.D. thesis, University of Hull, 1965), p. 165.
Templars included in the account of Temple Bruer, Michaelmas 1311 – 2 July 1312, and doing penance in the diocese of Lincoln
Templars (number of years service, reception)
Home preceptory
Simon Streche, knight, preceptor (8, London)
Eagle (Lincs.)
John de Stoke, priest, Treasurer (17, Balsall)
New Temple (London)
William de la Ford, preceptor 40, Dinsley)
Denny (Cambs.)
William Raven (5, Temple Combe)
Denny (Cambs.)
Thomas Chamberlain (6, Faxfleet)
Upleadon (Heref.)
Hugh de Tadcaster (Faxfleet)
Denny (Cambs.)
William de Sautre, preceptor (24–5, Dinsley)
Sandford (Oxon.)
William de Bourton, preceptor (4, Balsall)
Temple Combe (Som.)
Roger de Nerrys, preceptor (16, Dinsley)
Cressing (Essex)
Templars included in the Calendar of Close Rolls entries of 13 February 1313 and doing penance in the diocese of Lincoln
To William de Spanneby, keeper of certain of the Templars’ lands in co. Lincoln. Order to pay to John, Bishop of Lincoln, the wages assigned for the maintenance of –
Simon Strech
John de Stok
William de la Forde
William Raven
Thomas Chaumberleyn
Hugh de Tadecastre
William de Sautre
William de Burton
Roger Noreis – assigned to him to place in certain monasteries to do penance, to wit 4d. each daily from the time of his appointment as keeper, and to continue to pay the same.
The like to Robert de Luthteburgh, keeper of certain of the Templars’ lands in the same county to pay the said bishop the like wages for –
Thomas de Ludham
William de Cheleseie
Alan de Neusom
John de Sadelescoumbe
William de Bernewell
William de Hedington
Peter de Otryngham
William de Pokelynton
William de Thorp – Templars assigned to him as above
Name spellings as in the Calendar Rolls. From Calendar Rolls, TNA, E358/18, and after E. A. Gooder, Temple Balsall: The Warwickshire Preceptory of the Templars and their Fate (Chichester, 1995), appendix xi.
Templars who appeared before the Bishop of Lincoln, John de Dalderby, between 1 October 1319 and 10 December 1319, and their choices of religious houses in which to live
1 October 1319:
William de Thorpe (Thorp), former Templar, Thornton Abbey, Lincs.
William de Sawtry (Sautre), acolyte, Bicester Abbey, Oxon.
William de Burton (Bourton), acolyte, Barlings Abbey, Lincs.
Richard de Bisham (Bistlesham), layman, Ramsey Abbey, Cambs.
Alan de Newsom (Neusom), layman, Revesby Abbey, Lincs.
Roger de Hughenden (Hugendon), layman, to the Hospitallers.
Thomas de Chamberlain (Chaumberleyn), layman, to the Hospitallers.
6 November 1319: Thomas de Standon (Staunden), layman and former Templar, Burton Lazars, Leics.
16 November 1319: Walter de Gaddesby, layman and former Templar, Abbey of St Mary de Pratis, Leicester.
19 November 1319: John de Cobham, layman and former Templar, Sempringham Priory, Lincs.
7 December 1319: Sir Simon Streche (Streithe), knight and former Templar, Spalding Priory, Lincs.
10 December 1319: William de Chelsea (Chelseye), layman and former Templar, Kirkstead Abbey, Lincs.
C. Clubley, The Book of the Memoranda of John de Dalderby, Bishop of Lincoln, 1300–1320 [transcription and translation], fol. 425, p. 980; fol. 427v, pp. 986–7; fol. 428, p. 987; fol. 428v, p. 989; fol. 429, pp. 990–1; fol. 430v, p. 994.
Surviving Templars in 1338
Henricus de Rouclyf
Thomas Strech
Johannes Coffyn
Willelmus de Chelse
Willelmus de Burton
Willelmus de Craucombe
Walterus de Gadesby
Thomas de Staundon
Thomas Totti
Walterus de Rouche
Rogerus de Sowe
Alanus de Neusom
As listed in L&K, p. 209.