II. Beowulf
A. Neo-Latin
1815: Thorkelin, Grímur Jónsson. De Danorum rebus gestis secul. III et IV. Poëma Danicum dialecto Anglo-Saxonica (Copenhagen), pp. xx, 299. Rvw: G-s [= G. W. Gumælius] Iduna 7 (1817), 133–59; N. F. S. Grundtvig GgA (8 Jan. 1818), 41–47, and in Nyeste Skilderie af Kjöbenhavn nos 60ff. (1815) cols. 945, 998, 1009, 1025, 1030, 1045, 1106, 1121, 1139 [with responses to Grundtvig by Thorkelin, ibid. cols. 1057–61, 1073–80]; Pem [=P. E. Miller] Dansk-Litteratur-Tidende (1815), 401–32, 437–46, 461–62; N. Outzen Kieler Blätter (1816) III, 307–27; ‘Pia’ Ergänzungsblätter zur Jenaischen allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung nos. 45, 46 (1816), 354–66; B. Pontoppidan Nyeste Skilderie … nos 75, 85 (1815); [W. Taylor] Monthly Review 81 (1816), 516–23. [Text and Latin translation in parallel columns, preface, notes, and glossary. Preface reprinted with facing-page English translation in *Robert E. Bjork, “Grímur Jónsson Thorkelin’s Preface to the First Edition of Beowulf, 1815,” SS 68 (1996), 290–320.] [GR 1632]
B. Danish
1815: *Grundtvig, N. F. S. “Et Par Ord om det nys udkomne angelsaxiske Digt,” Nyeste Skilderie af Kjöbenhavn (July 29). Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk/. [Contains free-verse translation of lines 1–52. Reprinted in Franklin Cooley, “Grundtvig’s First Translation from Beowulf,” SS 16 (1941), 234–38.] [Listed in GR as a review of Thorkelin.] Translated into English by Mark Bradshaw Busbee in GS 66.1 (2015), 7–36.
1819: —. “Stykker af Skjöldung-Kvadet eller Bjovulfs Minde,” Dannevirke 4, 234–62. Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk/. [Free rhymed-verse translation of lines 53–319 (through the coastguard episode).] [GR 1658]
1820: —. Bjowulfs Drape. Et Gothisk Helte-Digt fra forrige Aar-Tusinde af Angel-Saxisk paa Danske Riim (Copenhagen). Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk/. [Free rhymed-verse translation of entire poem and also contains the first Danish translation of ‘The Finnsburg Fragment’ in parallel OE/Danish format, pp. XL–XLV.] Rvw: [Hans Gardthausen] Ergänzungsblätter zu Jenaischen Allgemeinen Literatur-Zeitung (April 1822) Num. 80, Sp. 249–51, and [Jacob Grimm] Göttingische gelerthe Anzeigen (2 January 1823), 1–12. [GR 1659]
1847: Schaldemose, Frederik. Beo-Wulf og Scopes Widsið, to angelsaxiske Digte, med Oversættelse og oplysende Anmærkninger (Copenhagen, 1847; repr. 1851 [2nd ed.]; repr. 2022. Chinese ed. 2010), 188 pp. Rvw: P. A. Munch, in Lange’s Norsk Tidsskrfit for Videnskab og Litteratur 2 (1848), 133–38. [Kemble’s text with Danish translation in parallel columns, pp. 1–148, plus commentary on the geographical, historical, and mythic elements in the poem, pp. 149–75; text and translation in parallel columns of “The Finnsburg Fragment,” pp. 161–64, and of “Widsith,” pp. 176–82, with commentary.] [GR 1634]
1865: *Grundtvig, N. F. S. Bjovulvs-Drapen, et høinordisk heltedigt, fra Anguls-Tungen fordansket (Copenhagen). Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk/. [Second, “improved” edition of Bjowulfs Drape, 1820.]
1904: Hansen, Adolf. “Et Brudstykke af Beowulf,” Dansk Tidsskrift 7, 468–73. [Alliterative verse translation of lines 491–924.] [GR 1704]
1910: —. Bjovulf (Copenhagen), pp. xv, 119. Rvw: A. Olrik DS 7 (1910), 112–13; V. J. von Holstein Rathlou Tilskueren (June 1910), 557–62. [Alliterative verse translation, posthumously ed. with an introduction and a translation of “The Finnsburg Fragment” by V. J. von Holstein Rathlou.] [GR 1714]. Reprinted as *Bjovulf og Kampen i Finsborg (Copenhagen, 2019), 122 pp.
1914: Konstantin-Hansen, Thora. Bjovulf: et angelsaksisk Heltedigt. Frit gengivet for Børn. Illustrated by Niels Skovgaard (Copenhagen; 2nd ed. 1952), 70 pp. [Prose retelling for children of Part I of the poem.] [GR 1720]
1960: *Albeck, Gustav. “Grundtvigs ældste Udkast till Digtet om Kong Skjold,” GS 47–53.
1983: *Wilmont, Barry. Bjowulf: et heltedigt fra Danmarks sagntid. Illustrated by Wilmont. With a foreword by Ebbe Kløvedal Reich and a translation of “The Fight at Finnsburg” and an afterword by Wilmont. Pages are not numbered (Copenhagen).
1984: *Haarder, Andreas. Sangen om Bjovulf. Drawings by Viggo Kragh-Hansen (Copenhagen; repr. 2001 with a foreword by Thomas A. Shippey). [Alliterative verse translation with introduction and commentary.]
1986: *Pedersen, Ole. Nordiske guder og sagnhelte: Fortællinger. Illustrated by Lene Hahne (Aarhus, 2nd ed. 2001). [Prose retelling of Beowulf’s fight with the Grendel kin, pp. 110–17.]
2002: *Olsen, Lars-Henrik. Bjovulf: Et sagn fra Danmarks oldtid. Illustrated by Niels Bach. (Copenhagen). [Prose re-telling for young adults from age 12 to 14.]
2003: *—. Nordiske heltesagn. Illustrated by Thomas Dreyer (Viborg; 2nd ed. 2005). [Retelling for young adults from age 12 up of the stories of over 40 Nordic heroes including Scyld Scefing, pp. 13–16, and Beowulf, pp. 49–71.]
2004: *Barkow, Henriette. Beowulf og hvordan han bekæmpede Grendel – et angelsaksisk epos. Danish translation of Barkow’s adaptation Beowulf: An Anglo-Saxon Epic (2003) by Jakob Kjær. Persian translation by Sajida Fawzi. Illustrated by Alan Down (London). [Danish and Persian retelling for children 9 to 14 of Beowulf’s fights with Grendel and his mother.]
2012: *Rydahl, John. Bjovulf: Den gamle dragedræber. Illustrated by Gitte Skov (Frederiksberg). [Retelling for children 9 to 12 of the whole of Beowulf.]
2018: *Zeruneith, Keld. Beowulf: En gendigtning med efterskrift og noter (Copenhagen). Rvw: Erik Skyum-Nielsen, Information (23 November 2018). [Prose translation from text in R. D. Fulk, Robert E. Bjork, and John D. Niles, eds., Klaeber’s Beowulf (Toronto, 2008), with notes and an afterword.]
C. Norwegian
1921: Rytter, Henrik. Beowulf og striden um Finnsborg frå angelsaksisk (Oslo). [“Nynorsk” translation in alliterative verse, with foreword, notes, and a brief bibliography.] [GR 1723]
1976: *Dietrichson, Jan W. Beowulf-kvadet. (Oslo). [“Riksmål” prose translation with a foreword and introduction.]
1999: *Bringsværd, Tor Åge. Beowulf: han som ville bli husket. Illustrated by Arne Samuelsen (Oslo). [“Riksmål” prose retelling for children with commentary and notes, pp. 73–85.]
D. Swedish
1817: *Gumælius, Gustaf Wilhelm. “Recension. De Danorum rebus gestis […].” In Iduna, 133–59 at pp. 138–40 [attempts translating some passages into fornyrðislag meter.]
1889: Wickberg, Rudolf. Beovulf, en fornengelsk hjeltedikt (Västervik; 2nd ed., as Beowulf, en fornengelsk hjältedikt with updated introduction, Uppsala, 1914; repr. 2013, 2022). 2nd ed., vol. 5 of Askerbergs populär-­vetenskapliga bibliotek. Rvw: E. A. Kock AfNF 32 (1916), 223–24. [Translation of text from manuscript in free alliterative verse with an introduction and notes.] [GR 1685]
1902: Björkman, Erik. “Beowulf, Fornengelsk Dikt.” Världslitteraturen i urval och öfversättning, ed. Henrik Schück (Stockholm), pp. 463–501. [Detailed prose summary of lines 1–2207, pp. 463–70, followed by a brief essay on Beowulf by Henrik Schück, pp. 471–74, anticipating his more fully developed 1909 arguments in Studier i Beowulfsagan. Björkman’s “prosaic,” line-by-line translation of lines 2208–17, 2232–2310, 2313–3182 with footnotes to the translation mostly by Schück follows on pp. 475–501.] [GR 1700, pp. incorrectly noted as 463–74]
1954: Collinder, Björn. Beowulf översatt i originalets versmått. With linoleum cuts by Per Engström (Stockholm; 2nd ed. 1955, 3rd ed. 1959, 4th ed. 1963, 5th ed. 1983; 1st paperback ed. 1988, repr. 1992, 2nd paperback ed. 1998). Rvw: A. S. C. Ross and E. G. Stanley EGS 6 (1957), 110–12. [Alliterative verse translation.] [GR 1750]
1958: Lindqvist, Sune. Beowulf Dissectus. Snitt ur fornkvädet jämte svensk tydning (Uppsala). [Excerpts and translation in parallel columns, with a commentary. Summary in English, pp. 137–42.] [GR 1753]
1962: *Collinder, Björn. Beowulf. Selections from part 2. In Hildeman, Karl-Ivar, ed. Medeltidens litteratur: Episk diktning m.m. Vol. 4 of Litteraturens klassiker, ed. Lennart Breitholtz (Stockholm; repr. 1996, 2000), pp. 9–16.
1997: *Herschend, Frands. “Striden i Finnsborg,” Tor 29, 295–333. [Contains text and translation in parallel columns of “The Finnsburg Fragment” and the Finnsburg episode in Beowulf, pp. 297–300, and translation of lines 18–49 of “Widsith,” pp. 325–26. English abstract, p. 295, and summary, pp. 331–32.]
2000: *Birgitta Gahrton, Beowulf. Swedish translation of Robert Nye, Beowulf (Stockholm; 2nd ed. 2007 with afterword by Lena Törnqvist). [Retelling for children aged 12–15.]
2011: *Birgit Lönn, Beowulf. Swedish translation of Rob Lloyd Jones, Beowulf (Stockholm). [Retelling for children ages 7+.]
2022: *Gräslund, Bo. Beowulf: En nordisk berättelse från 500-talet: Rudolf Wickbergs tolkning från fornengelska i bearbetning av Bo Gräslund (Stockholm). [Revised translation based on R. D. Fulk, Robert E. Bjork, and John D. Niles, eds., Klaeber’s Beowulf (Toronto, 2008), with introduction, notes, and an afterword.]
E. Icelandic
1983: *Björnsson, Halldóra B. Bjólfskviða, ed. and with a foreword by Pétur Knúttson Ridgewell. Illustrated by Alfreð Flóki (Reykjavík). [Alliterative verse translation posthumously edited from Björnsson’s three manuscripts.]
F. Finnish
1927: Dillström, R. “Beowulf,” Laivastolehti 2, 35–40, 73–78, 137–44, 176–80, 201–04, 243–46, 284–89, 316–21, 349–56. [Alliterative verse translation of lines 1–1472 and lines 2961–81 with commentary.] [GR 1733]
1999: *Dillström translation completed by Matti Järvinen (Helsinki; repr. 2019).
1999: *Pekonen, Osmo, and Clive Tolley. Beowulf. Suomennos, johdanto ja selitykset (Helsinki; reissued 2007). [Alliterative verse translation.]
G. Sámi
2019: *McGuinne, Johann Sandberg. Beowulf: dïhte staalehke alma (Trøndelag). [Translation into South Sámi of Rob Lloyd Jones’s retelling of Beowulf for children.]