I. General
A. Neo-Latin
1733: Bussæus, Andreas. Periplus Ohtheri, Halgolando-Norvegi, ut et Wulfstani, Angli, secundum narrationes eorundem de suis … jussa Ælfredi Magni … Appended to his Are Frodes Schedæ (Copenhagen), 28 pp. [Text of “The Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan” with facing-page Latin translation by Christopher Ware and notes.] [GR 5654]
1773: *Langebek, Jacob. Periplus Otheri Norvegi et Wulfstani sive eorum narrationes de suis in septentrionem et in mari Balthico navigationibus in Scriptores rerum Danicarum 2 (Copenhagen). [Introduction pp. 106–07 and OE and Latin translation in parallel columns, pp. 108–23, with extensive, detailed notes to the text.]
1828: Magnusen, Finn. Priscae Veterum Borealium Mythologiae Lexicon (Copenhagen), pp. 582–83. [Text of stanzas 1, 2, and 7 of “Deor” reprinted from Conybeare’s Ilustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry with Latin translation of stanzas 1 and 2.] [GR 3422]
B. Danish
1815: Rask, Rasmus. “Ottars og Ulfstens korte Rejseberetninger med dansk Oversættelse, kritiske Anmærkninger og andre Oplysninger.” Det Skandinaviske Litteraturselskabs Skrifter 11, 1–132. Also printed separately (Copenhagen, 1816) and reprinted with corrections in Samlede tildels forhen utrykte Afhandlinger af R. K. Rask 1 (Copenhagen, 1834), ed. posthumously by H. K. Rask, pp. 289–384. [Facing-page translation with introduction, notes, and extensive commentary.] [GR 5665]
1817: Grundtvig, N. F. S. “Om Bruneborg-Slaget og et Riim i den Anledning,” Dannevirke 2 (1817), 65–96. Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk/. [Contains a literal prose translation of “The Battle of Brunanburh” (pp. 73–79) as well as “Kæmpevise om Bruneborg-Slaget” (pp. 79–87), a heroic ballad about “Brunanburh” followed by “Efter-Klangen” (pp. 88–96), a verse rumination on the ballad. The first poem is reprinted in Grundtvig’s Nordiske Smaadigte (Christiana, 1838), pp. 119–24, and both poems are reprinted in *N. F. S. Grundtvigs Poetiske Skrifter 4 (Copenhagen, 1883), ed. Svend Grundtvig, pp. 355–67.] [GR 1487, pp. incorrectly noted as 65–79].
1820: *—. “Brudstykke” [Finnsburg fragment] in parallel OE/Danish format, pp. XL–XLV of his introduction to Bjowulfs Drape. Et Gothisk Helte-Digt fra forrige Aar-Tusinde af Angelsaxisk paa Danske Riim (Copenhagen). Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk.
1820: *—. See II.B., below. (Translation of “The Finnsburg Fragment”).
1836–37: *—. Sang-Værk til den danske Kirke (Copenhagen). Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk/. [Hymn 124 is a free rendition of antiphon 1 in The Advent Lyrics; hymn 158 is a free rendition of antiphons 8 and 9; hymn 243 is a free rendition of Christ and Satan, lines 398–596 (Harrowing of Hell) ; hymn 244 is a verse paraphrase of parts of Christ II; hymn 245 is a rendition of Christ II, lines 720–44 (the six leaps of Christ); and hymn 355 is a rendition of Christ II, lines 600ff. Hymns 243 and 244 have been translated into modern English in Living Wellsprings: The Hymns, Songs, and Poems of N. F. S. Grundtvig, trans. and ed. Edward Broadbrige (Aarhus, 2015), pp. 94–97 and 106–08. For an earlier translation of hymn 243, see A Book of Danish Verse (New York, 1922), trans. S. Foster Damon and Robert Silliman Hillyer, selected and annotated by Oluf Friis, pp. 51–55.]
1840: —. Phenix-Fuglen: et Angelsachsisk Kvad. (Copenhagen). Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk/. [First edition of The Phoenix with dedicatory poem, foreword, introduction, and textual notes. Contains Lactantius’s “Carmen de ave phoenice” running below part I of the text and a free-verse translation of the OE after it, pp. 44–63, followed by “Dansk Efterklang,” a verse rumination on the poem, pp. 63–70, and “Jeg gik mig ud en Sommerdag,” a poem inspired by the OE poem, pp. 70–71. Translation, “Efterklang,” “Jeg gik mig ud,” and dedicatory poem (“Kongen döde under Vinters Hjerte”) reprinted in *N. F. S. Grundtvigs Poetiske Skrifter 6 (Copenhagen, 1885), ed. Svend Grundvig, pp. 297–366.] [GR 4017]
1840: *—. “Fugl Fønix.” In Viser og Sange for danske Samfund 1, 60–64. Go to http://www.grundtvigsværker.dk/. [Heroic ballad summarizing the contents of the Old English Phoenix. Reprinted in N. F. S. Grundtvigs Poetiske Skrifter 6 (Copenhagen, 1885), ed. Svend Grundtvig, pp. 294–97.]
1846: Unger, C. R. “Fragment af en allitereret angelsaxisk Homili, hvori nævnes nogle af Nordens hedenske Guddome,” Annaler for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 67–81. [Text and literal translation in parallel columns of De falsis diis.] [GR 5285]
1846: Schaldemose, Frederik. See II.B below (translation of “The Finnsburg Fragment” and “Widsith”).
1853: Stephens, George. Tvende Old-Engelske Digte med Oversættelser og Tillæg (Copenhagen). [Edition of “Letter of Christ to Abgarus” from Ælfric’s Lives of the Saints XXIV (“Abdon and Sennes”) with English, Danish, ON translations; ON, OSwed, OHG, MHG, MDutch versions of letter; edition of OE versified homily for third Sunday in Lent with English, Danish, and ON translations.] [GR 290]
1864: *Kragballe, Chr. M. Anglerfolkets Kirkehistorie af Beda den Æværdige (Copenhagen; reprinted 2021 as Anglernes kirkehistorie: anno 731). [Translation of Latin version of Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica with introduction and notes. Contains literal translation of “Bede’s Death Song,” p. xiv.]
1873: Hammerich, Frederik. De episk-kristelige Oldkuad hos de gothiske Folk (Copenhagen; repr. 2019). German trans. by A. Michelsen. Rvw: G. L. LitZbl 26 (1875), 257–59; E. Wilken GgA (1875), 1438–40. [Begins with a picture and analysis of “The Ruthwell Cross” and contains text and alliterative verse translations of parts of “The Dream of the Rood,” pp. 15–20, a translation of “The Grave,” pp. 92–93, and selected translations from “Cædmon’s Hymn,” “The Ruthwell Cross,” Genesis A and B, Exodus, Daniel, Christ and Satan, Judith, Juliana, Elene, Christ I, Andreas, Guthlac B, The Phoenix, “Soul and Body II,” and “Meters of Boethius” interspersed throughout a discussion of the poems, pp. 13–96.] [GR 919]
1876–82: Steenstrup, Johannes C. H. R. Normannerne (Copenhagen), 4 vols. [vol. 3 (1882) contains alliterative verse translations of “The Battle of Brunanburh,” pp. 76–77, and of “Conquest of the Five Buroughs,” p. 80, and a prose retelling of “The Battle of Maldon,” pp. 229–37.] [GR 6009]
1885: Rønning, F. “Den oldengelske digtning.” Historisk Månnedsskrift for Folkelig og Kirkelig Oplysning 4, 1–36. [Brief survey of OE poetry (pp. 1–7) followed by an assessment of OE poetic characteristics (pp. 7–19) and a translation of Judith (pp. 19–36).] [GR 882]
1903: *Larsen, Henry. Krist og Satan: nogle Blade af gammel kristelig digtning særlig hos Angelsakserne (Cædmon) (Copenhagen). In Skrifter til Oplysning og Opbyggelse IV 5–6 H. Rvw: August Kristensen, Højskolebladet 1 (1904), 50–55. [Contains alliterative verse translations of “Cædmon’s Hymn,” pp. 94–95, large sections of Genesis A and Genesis B to the birth of Cain and Abel, pp. 102–34, “Christ and Satan,” pp. 135–66, “The Ruthwell Cross,” pp. 168–69, and “The Dream of the Rood,” pp.172–76, interspersed throughout a discussion of the poems.]
1910: *Bugge, Alexander. Translation of “The Battle of Brunanburh.” In Norges Historie fremstillet for det norske Folk, ed. A. Bigge et al., vols. 1, 2 (Oslo), pp. 177–78.
1936: Dahl, Torsten. Den oldengelske Krønike i Udvalg (Copenhagen). [Selections from The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle from the Viking period in translation with introduction and notes. Includes a prose version of “The Battle of Brunanburh,” pp. 34–36, and a paraphrase of “The Battle of Maldon,” pp. 40–41.] [GR 5994]
1979: *Haarder, Andreas. “En oldengelsk gåde” and “Slaget ved Maldon” in Det episke liv. Et indblik i oldengelsk heltedigtning (Copenhagen; e-book 2022), pp. 125, 130–39. [Free-verse translations of Riddle 27 and “The Battle of Maldon.” The book also contains translations of selections from “The Fates of Men,” Beowulf, “Maxims I,” “The Ruin,” “The Wanderer,” and “The Seafarer” throughout.]
1983: *Noack, Bent. Helvedstorm og himmelfart: stykker af oldengelsk kristen digtning (Copenhagen). [Alliterative verse translations of Genesis A, lines 1–91, pp. 5–11; Genesis B, pp. 12–67; Christ and Satan, lines 398–441 and 455–67, pp. 68–72; and Christ II, pp. 73–100.]
1983: *Lund, Niels. Ottar og Wulfstan. To rejsebeskrivelser fra vikingatiden. With commentary by Lund, essays by Ole Crumlin-Pedersen, Peter H. Sawyer, Christine E. Fell (Roskilde). Translated by Christine E. Fell as Two Voyagers at the Court of King Alfred (York, 1984). [Text and translation in parallel columns.]
1983: *Wilmont, Barry. Bjowulf: et heltedigt fra Danmarks sagntid. With a foreword by Ebbe Kløvedal Reich, a translation of “The Fight at Finnsburg,” and an afterword by Wilmont. Lithographs by Wilmont. Pages are not numbered (Copenhagen).
1991: *Lund, Niels. Sangen om slaget ved Maldon og andra kilder til Sven Sveskægs og Olav Tryggvessons kampe i England i 990erne (Copenhagen). [“The Battle of Maldon,” extracts from Byrthferth of Ramsey’s Life of St. Oswald, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Æthelred’s agreement with the Vikings (994), Æthelred’s confirmation of bishop Æscwig to the seat at Risborough, Ælfgar’s will, Æthelflæd’s will, Ælfflæd’s will, Æthelric of Bocking’s will, Æthelred’s confirmation of Æthelric’s will; obituary notice from New Minster, Winchester; obituary notice from Ely; extracts from John of Worcester’s Chronicon ex chronicis, Henry of Huntingdon’s Historia Anglorum, the Ely Book, Chronicon Abbatiæ Rameseiensis, Symoneonis Monachi Opera Omnia].
1991: *Vasbo, Vibeke. Hildas sang, 2 vols. (Copenhagen; 2nd ed. 1992; 3rd ed. 1993). [Paraphrase of “Æcerbot,” vol. 2, p. 451; trans of part of “The Finnsburg Fragment,” vol. 2, p. 515, “Wulf and Eadwacer,” vol. 2, pp. 611–12, and Bede’s story of Hilda’s life and death, vol. 2, pp. 650–53.] English translation by Gaye Kynoch as The Story of Hild (Durham, 2018).
1996: *Noack, Bent. Menneskevordelse og korsdød: stykker af oldengelsk kristen digtning (Fredericksberg). [Alliterative verse translations of The Advent Lyrics, pp. 7–37; “The Dream of the Rood,” pp. 38–48; the “Pater Noster,” p. 49; and “Cædmon’s Hymn,” p. 50.]
2017: *Brøgger, Suzanne. In Keld Zeruneith. De siste tider: hedenskap heroism kristendom: en angelsaksisk overgangshistorie (Copenhagen), pp. 317–32. [Verse translations of “Cædmon’s Hymn,” “The Wanderer,” “The Seafarer,” “Deor,” “The Wife’s Lament,” “The Husband’s Message,” “The Ruin.”]
C. Norwegian
1981: *Sandved, Arthur O. “Drømmen om Kristi Kors, et kristent dikt i før-kristen form.” Kirke og Kultur 86, 203–12. [Contains a metrical “Riksmål” prose translation of “The Dream of the Rood,” pp. 209–12, which is reprinted in Vers fra vest, pp. 63–71.]
1987: *—. Vers fra vest: gammelengelske dikt i utvalg (Oslo). [General introduction plus introductions to and “Riksmål” verse translations of “Cædmon’s Hymn,” pp. 31–33, “Bede’s Death Song,” pp. 34–36, “The Ruin,” “The Wanderer,” and “The Seafarer,” pp. 37–62, “The Dream of the Rood,” pp. 63–71, and “The Battle of Brunanburh,” pp. 117–22, and introductions to and prose translations of Genesis B, pp. 72–91, Judith, pp. 92–103, and “The Battle of Maldon,” pp. 104–16. Concludes with an introduction to and verse translations of 14 brief Middle English lyrics, pp. 125–33.]
D. Swedish
1800: Porthan, Henrik Gabriel. “Försök at uplysa Konung Ælfreds Geographiska Beskrifning öfver den Európeiska Norden,” Kongl Vitterhets Historie och Antiquitets Academiens Handlingar 6, 37–106. [Text of “The Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan” from Barrington’s The Anglo-Saxon from the Historian Orosius by Ælfred the Great together with a translation in parallel columns, introduction, and notes.] [GR 5660]
1857: Nilsson, Lars G. Några fornengelska andeliga quäden på grundspråket. (Lund). [Sampling of texts of hymns and prayers from *E. Thomson’s Godcunde Lár & Theówdóm: Select Monuments of the Doctrine and Worship of the Catholic Church in England before the Norman Conquest: Consisting of Ælfric’s Paschal Homily and Extracts from his Epistles, etc., the Offices of the Canonical Hours, and 3 Metrical Prayers and Hymns. In Anglo-Saxon and partly in Latin (London, 1849), pp. 121–31, 134–40, 142–52, 212, and 216–25, with facing-page translation, notes, and glossary. “Gloria Patri,” “Pater Noster,” “Credo in Deum Patrem Omnipotentem,” “Precationes A,” “Precationes B.”] [GR 291]
1858: —. “Judith, Fragment af ett fornengelskt Qväde” (Copenhagen; repr. 2009). [M.A. thesis at University of Copenhagen. Thorpe’s text from Analecta Anglo-Saxonica (1834) with facing-page translation in “rhythmic prose” instead of alliteration, no introduction, brief textual notes, and glossary.] [GR 3848]
1866: *—. Anglosaxisk (fornengelsk) grammatika, part 1 (Copenhagen), pp. 1–48; part 2 (Copenhagen, 1870), pp. 49–121. [Contains free translations of “Cædmon’s Hymn,” pp. 10–11, and Beowulf, lines 407–18 and 473–79, pp. 14–15.]
1871: —. Anglosaxisk (fornengelsk) läsebok för nybegynnare (Lund). [Contains selection of Judith, lines 15–46a, with a new Swedish translation, pp. 12–14.] [GR 299]
1872: *—. Anglosaxisk läsebok (Lund). [Contains selection from Judith, lines 15–46a, with a new Swedish translation, pp. 12–14.]
1900–01: Wadstein, Elis. “Ett engelskt fornminne från 700-talet och Englands dåtida kultur,” Nordisk Universitets-tidskrift 1, 129–53. Rvw: T. Von Grienberger ZfdPh 33 (1901), 409–21. [Study and translation of the runic inscription on the Franks Casket.] [GR 3662]
1907: *Schütte, Gudmund. Oldsagn om Godtjod: bidrag til etnisk Kildeforsknings metode med særligt henblik på folk-stamsagn (Copenhagen), 204 pp. Rvw: A. Olrik Folklore 19 (1908), 353–59. [Alliterative verse translation of “Widsith,” pp. 198–201.]
1929: Sundén, Karl F. Den fornengelska dikten ‘Widsið’ (Göteborg). 43 pp. Rvw: F. Holthausen Beibl 42 (1931), 341–42. [Study of “Widsith” together with a rhythmic prose translation of the poem from Holthausen’s 1905–06 edition of Beowulf, pp. 25–30. Introduction, pp. 3–24; translation, pp. 25–30; commentary, pp. 30–43.] [GR 5035]
1941: *Bengtsson, Frans G. “Om den strid som stod vid Maeldun och vad därav kom,” vol. 1, chapter 1 in section 2 in Röde Orm. Sjöfarare i västerled (Malmö). English translation as The Long Ships: A Saga of the Viking Age by Michael Meyer (London, 1954), pp. 189–211. [Prose retelling of “The Battle of Maldon” from the Vikings’ point of view with translations of lines 29–41, 45–61, 93–95, 96–99, and 311–12.]
1962: *Jansson, Sven B. F. “Deors klagan” (Deor) and “Sjöfararen” (The Seafarer). In Hildeman, Karl-Ivar, ed. Medeltidens litteratur: Episk diktning m.m., ed. Karl-Ivar Hildeman; Vol. 4 of Litteraturens klassiker, ed. Lennart Breitholtz (Stockholm; repr. 1996, 2000), pp. 17–22. [Alliterative verse translations.]
1983: *Sandred, Karl Inge, trans. “Wulfstans resa 800-talets slut.” Gutar och Vikingar, ed. Ingmar Jannson (Stockholm), pp. 417–23. [Introduction, pp. 417–18; translation, pp. 418–21; notes, pp. 421–23].
1991: *Hansson, Gunnar D. Slaget vid Maldon och sju elegier (Gråbo). [Verse translations of “The Battle of Maldon,” “The Ruin,” “The Wanderer,” “The Seafarer” (facing-page), “Deor,” “The Wife’s Lament,” “The Husband’s Message,” “Wulf and Eadwacer” with commentary by Hansson and a translation of parts of chapter 5 of Andreas Haarder’s Det episke liv, pp. 36–48 (see I.B, above).]
1992: *Borgehammar, Stephan, trans. Ælfric’s “På en kyrkas invigningsdag,” Från tid och evighet: Predikningar från 200-tal till 1500-tal, ed. Stephan Borgehammar (Skellefteå), pp. 191–200, commentary pp. 200–02. [Translation of Ælfric’s “In dedicatione ecclesiae” from The Catholic Homilies, vol. 2, pp. 574–95.]
1992: *Herschend, Frands. See II.D. below (translations of “The Finnsburg Fragment” and “Widsith”).
E. Finnish: “Waldere”
2005: *Himes, Jonathan, Osmo Pekonen, and Clive Tolley, trans. Waldere: Anglosaksinen muinaisruno (Jyväskylä). [Alliterative verse translation.]
2004: *Pekonen, Osmo, and Clive Tolley, trans. Widsith: Anglosaksinen muinaisruno (Jyväskylä). [Alliterative verse translation.]
F. Icelandic: “Battle of Brunanburh”
ca. 1853: Brynjúlfsson, Gísli. In Sigurjón Páll Ísaksson. “Þýðingar Gísla Brynjúlfssonar ur fornensku.” Gripla 18 (2007), 95–96.
ca. late nineteenth century: Gröndal, Benedikt Sveinbjarnason. In Sverrir Tómasson, “‘Iarlar árhvatir / iörð um gátu’: þýðingar Benedikts Gröndals Sveinbjarnarsonar úr fornensku,” Sverir Tómasson, Skorrdæla: gefin út í minningu Sveins Skorra Höskuldssonar (Reykjavík, 2003), pp.179–86 at pp. 181–83.
1936: *Einarsson, Stefán. “Wídsíð = Víðförull.” Skírnir 110, 185–89. [Alliterative verse translation.]