AA — African Archives (Belgium)
AAC — Anglo American Corporation
AGUFI — Association des Agents de l’Union Minière et Filiales
AIDS — Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
BBC — British Broadcasting Corporation
BCK — Chemins de fer du Bas-Congo au Katanga
BEC — Bureau de l’enseignement catholique
BM — British Museum
BSAC — British South Africa Company
CADER — Corps des Activistes pour la Défense de la Révolution
CEDAF — Centre d’études et de documentation africaines
CELTA — Centre for Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
CELRIA — Centre for Studies of African-inspired Romance Literature
CEPAC — Centre for Political Studies in Central Africa
CEPSI — Centre d’étude des problèmes sociaux indigènes
CERDAC — Centre for Studies and Documentary Research on Central Africa
CERPHA — Centre for Research in African Philosophy
CGS — Confédération générale des syndicats du Congo belge
CML — Congo Mining Limited
CSR — Corporate Social Responsibility
CNMC — China Nonferrous Metal Mining (Group) Corporation
DA — Development Agreement
DC — District Commissioner
DO — District Officer
DRC, DR — Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
ECZ — Environmental Council of Zambia
EPPCA — Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Act
ERC — European Research Council
FC — Football Club
FQM — First Quantum Minerals
Gécamines — Générale des Carrières et des Mines
GIZ — Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
HIV — Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IFIs — International Financial Institutions
IMF — International Monetary Fund
ISO — International Organization for Standardization
KUL — Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
LCM — Luanshya Copper Mines
LMS — London Missionary Society
MCM — Mopani Copper Mines
MEF — Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation
MP — Member of Parliament
MMD — Movement for Multi-Party Democracy
MPLA — Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola
MPR — Popular Movement of the Revolution
NAZ — National Archives of Zambia
NCCM — Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines
NGO — Non-Governmental Organisation
NRMWU — Northern Rhodesia Mine Workers’ Union
OCU — Observatoire du Changement Urbain
PPP — Public-Private Partnerships
RACM — Roan Antelope Copper Mines
RAID — Rights and Accountability in Development
RAMCOZ — Roan Antelope Copper Mining Corporation of Zambia
RCM — Roan Consolidated Mines
RLI — Rhodes-Livingstone Institute
RMCA — Royal Museum of Central Africa
RP — Ronald Prain papers
RST — Rhodesian (later Roan) Selection Trust
SNCC — Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Congo
SNCZ — Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Zaïre
SUBS — Solwezi Urban Baseline Study
TAZAMA — Tanzania-Zambia Mafuta
TAZARA — Tanzania-Zambia Railway
TNA — The National Archives (United Kingdom)
UMCB — United Missions to the Copperbelt
UMHK — Union Minière du Haut-Katanga
UNAZA — National University of Zaïre
UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Unescongo — Programme d’urgence de l’UNESCO dans le cadre de l’action des Nations Unies pour le maintien des services éducatifs au Congo
UNILU — University of Lubumbashi
UNIP — United National Independence Party
UOC — Official University of the Congo
WAM — World Apostolate of Mary
ZCCM — Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines
ZCCM-IH — Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines – Investment Holdings
ZDA — Zambian Development Agency
ZEMA — Zambia Environmental Management Agency
ZTRS — Zambia-Tanzania Road Service