Miles Larmer, Enid Guene, Benoît Henriet, Iva Peša and Rachel Taylor
Map 0.1 The Copperbelt region
Beyond Paternalism: Pluralising Copperbelt Histories
Iva Peša and Benoît Henriet
Table 1.1 Mufulira mine employees and total urban population
Table 1.2 Likasi mine employees and total urban population
Being a Child of the Mines: Youth Magazines and Comics in the Copperbelt
Enid Guene
Figure 2.1 ‘Frida and Friday’, Speak Out! May–June 1986, back cover
Beware the Mineral Narrative: The Histories of Solwezi Town and Kansanshi Mine, North-Western Zambia, c. 1899–2020
Rita Kesselring
Map 5.1 Zambia’s North-Western province
Map 5.2 Solwezi town and Kansanshi mine today
Figure 5.1 European residents in Solwezi boma and Kansanshi mine 1910–1931
Figure 5.2 Number of African residents, Solwezi 1916–1929
Figure 5.3 Population growth Solwezi District and Solwezi Central Constituency
Kingdoms and Associations: Copper’s Changing Political Economy during the Nineteenth Century
David M. Gordon
Figure 6.1 Copper ingots from Sanga, Haut-Lomami, Katanga: from 13th to 15th century, 4cm in length
Figure 6.2 Copper ingots from Sanga, Haut-Lomami, Katanga: likely 16th to 18th century, 6cm in length
Figure 6.3 Copper ingots from Sanga, Haut-Lomami, Katanga: 24.2cm x 18.3cm fishinkoro cross, likely 19th century
Figure 6.4 Mitako wire coil collected by Henry M. Stanley, in the style collected by Livingstone and described by Capelo and Ivens
Of Corporate Welfare Buildings and Private Initiative: Post-Paternalist Ruination and Renovation in a Former Zambian Mine Township
Christian Straube
Figure 7.1 The coat of arms of the Roan-Mpatamatu mine township
Figure 7.2 1964 ‘locality plan’ showing Mpatamatu’s newly constructed Sections 21, 22, 23 and 24 as part of Luanshya’s corporate mine townships
Figure 7.3 1957 plan of Section 21, Mpatamatu’s first section
Figure 7.4 Photo, ‘Welcome to half China’
Figure 7.5 Photo of Section 25 clinic as polling station
Figure 7.6 Photo of Section 21 clinic
From a Colonial to a Mineral Flow Regime: The Mineral Trade and the Inertia of Global Infrastructures in the Copperbelt
Hélène Blaszkiewicz
Map 8.1 Schematic map of corridors linking the Copperbelt to international markets
Figure 8.1 Zambian copper export routes, 1966–1983
Houses Built on Copper: The Environmental Impact of Current Mining Activities on ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Zambian Copperbelt Communities
Jennifer Chibamba Chansa
Figure 9.1 Water point in Kankoyo
Figure 9.2 Water point in Kankoyo
Figure 9.3 Cracked houses in Mufulira
Figure 9.4 Cracked houses in Mufulira
Figure 9.5 Northern settlement, Kalumbila
Figure 9.6 Northern settlement, Kalumbila
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