ADBRM – Archives départementales des Bouches-du Rhône, Marseille
AMM – Archives Municipales Marseille
ASFi – Archive of Florence
DHC – Devon Heritage Centre
DL – The Danish Law of 1683
GA – Gloucestershire Archives
HARC – Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre
JP – Justice of the Peace
NAI – National Archives of Iceland
NL – The Norwegian Law of 1687
P. R.Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, [accessed 17 March 2020]
RA – The National Archive of Norway
SAB – State Archives, Bruges
SAO – Regional State Archive, Oslo
SFS – Svensk författningssamling
SHC – Somerset Heritage Centre
S. R. – Statutes of the Realm Vol 1–4, available on HeinOnline: [accessed 23 June 2020]
ULA – Uppsala State Archives