4.1 Trans-African highways as defined in 1978
4.2 The transport networks to be supported by the first PIDA PAP by 2020 and 2040
4.3 European Transport Corridors of the TEN-T as revised in 2021
4.4 Map of population density in Africa, 2015 and map of the transport networks to be supported by the PIDA PAP, 2012–2020
5.1 Map of the region and ports
6.1 Total traffic and share of transit traffic in West African ports, 2011–2018
8.1 Cameroon’s railway network circa 1974
10.1 The Northern Corridor, Mombasa–Kigali
10.2 The Central Corridor, Dar es Salaam–Kigali
11.1 Ethiopia’s railway network and Addis–Djibouti railway
6.1 Dubai Port World container terminal at Dakar port, 2015
6.2 Queue of trucks waiting at the Malian border, 2001
6.3 Convoy of tankers in the city of Kayes, Mali, 2009
8.1 European Commission’s President Ortoli and Cameroon’s Minister of Planning Maïkano watching track-laying operations in the vicinity of Ngaoundéré, July 1973
8.2 De la Renaudière to Delapierre, ‘Cameroon – Identification of highway projects & supervision of ongoing studies – Terms of Reference’, 11 February 1972
8.3 Loan signing for Cameroon’s Second Railways Project; seated from right to left World Bank’s Vice-President Chaufournier (Western Africa Region) and Cameroon’s Ambassador Tchoungui, Washington, D.C., 18 September 1974
6.1 Traffic trend in the port of Dakar, 2002–2017 (Tons)
6.2 Container traffic at the port of Dakar, 2002–2017 (TEU)
6.3 Transit traffic to Mali at the port of Dakar, 2002–2017 (Tons)
6.4 Malian import traffic by road and rail on the Dakar–Bamako Corridor, 2005–2012
6.5 Malian export traffic by road and rail on the Dakar–Bamako Corridor, 2005–2012
6.6 Distribution of road traffic to Mali by West African corridors, 2007–2018
8.1 Critical steps in track relaying/realignment of Yaoundé–Otele section
12.1 China’s commitments to fund African infrastructure (2010–2018) in US$ billion
2.1 Index of per capita GNP and the mobility of nations, 1961
4.1 TEN-T and PIDA PAP 1 transport priority projects
5.1 Freight traffic through Tema Port, 2013–2015 (tonnes)
6.1 Evolution of freight traffic on the Dakar–Bamako Corridor (in tons, 2005–2012)
9.1 Exports from countries on Abidjan–Lagos Corridor (US$)
9.2 Border crossing times for trucks in hours, 2010–2017
10.1 Timeline of Northern and Central Corridor developments
11.1 Railway projects constructed in Ethiopia
12.1 Key FOCAC financial commitments
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