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Accomandite 37
Act to prevent the Delivery up of Merchant Shipps (1664/1671) 125–7
Addison, Giacomo 182
Administration-as-justice 29, 78, 119
Alamanni, Lodovico 37
Aleppo 100, 174
Alessandro, Duke of Tuscany 31
Algiers 116, 117, 122
Alicante 88, 123, 132–3, 137–8, 140, 146, 147
Alice and Francis (ship) 120–7, 131–41, 148, 152, 162
American Revolutionary Wars 162, 187
Chamber of Insurance and Average 34, 37, 47, 125, 160–1
GA practices 161
Insurance market 159–60
Ordonnantie 63
Structural impact of role as final destination 144
Arbitration 78–9
Aristotle 68–9, 93–4
Arkhangelsk 146
Average of the English and Dutch Usage (so-called) 68, 69
Average of the Indies 68, 69
Averìa (de Indias) 55
Circumstances mandating common contribution see under General Average (GA)
Common Average see Small Average
Etymology 53–4, 72
Finance of merchant nationes 55–6
Free-from-Average clauses see under Insurance
Many varieties 4, 55
Origin of term 54–6, 158
Particular Average (PA) 48, 49, 67, 69, 73, 91, 95, 119, 134, 166, 171–2
Petty Average see Small Average
Primage and Average 55, 67, 68, 72
Small Average 46, 55, 61, 63–4, 67, 73, 77, 101, 119
See also General Average (GA)
Baldasseroni, Ascanio
Comparison of Genoese and Livornese GA 145–6
Criticism of GA 106–7, 162, 188
Definition of free port 28
Definition of GA 46, 48
Underwriters’ responsibility for GA 159
Barcelona 56
Barcher, Giovanni 91
Basilica (Byzantine law collection) 53
Belasyse, Thomas, Lord Fauconberg 128
Benassai, Carlo 85, 140
Benecke, William 171
Biserta 179
Bolaño, Juan de Hevia ٦٥
Borse di ricorso 38, 82–3
Bottomry see Sea loan
Bumpt, George 133
Buonaccorsi, Lorenzo 97
Burgos Ordonnance (1538) 55
Cabo de Gatt 111 n.154, 122, 133
Cadiz 96, 133, 147, 160
Callistratus (Roman jurist) 52
Cambio marittimo see Sea loan
Capponi, Andrea 139–40
Captain of Livorno see Governor of Livorno
Cardi, Paolo Maria 97
Casaregi, Giuseppe Maria
Career 65, 72
Edition of the Llibre del Consolat de Mar 56
On Averages 15, 46, 65, 72–6, 101, 105, 185, 192
Catalonia 47
Cepparelli, Tommaso 39
Charles II, King of England and Scotland 122, 124, 128, 129
Chinese maritime law 190
Clutterbuck, Thomas 129, 136
Coase, Ronald 6–7
Collusion 107, 121, 148, 186
Comaccio, Iacob 181–2
Comaccio, Isack 181–2
Comité Maritime International 13
Commedia del Console 35–6, 119
Common Bench 127
Common safety vs common benefit see under General Average (GA)
Conservatori del Mare see under Genoa
Consiglio dei Quarantotto 36
Consolato see under Sea protest
Consoli del Mare di Pisa
Appointment 31–2, 37
Archive of 17, 157
Reputation 35–6, 144
Role in GA procedures 108, 110, 122
see also Court of the Consoli del Mare di Pisa
Constitutum usus 47
Consuls of the Sea in Pisa see Consoli del Mare di Pisa
Cornah, Richard 49
Corpus Iuris Civilis 12, 45
Corsairs 33, 90, 111, 122, 133, 143, 146, 180
Corso 27, 187
Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany 31–2, 128
Cosimo III, Grand Duke of Tuscany 37, 93, 121, 128–9, 145
Cottimo 98, 169
Court of the Consoli del Mare di Pisa
As meeting point of different legal regimes 15
Attitude towards GA procedures 29, 119, 142
GA Procedures 80–2
Administrative fees 113–14, 191
Calculations 82
Capitoli 108–11, 117
Discounted contribution of ship and freight 73, 82, 97, 107
Exceptions 81, 107–11, 136
Headings see Capitoli
Interrogatories 81, 108–11, 117, 136
Judgements 81, 136
Ragioni 117
Shipmasters’ appearance 88
Summons 81
Valuation of goods 83–5
Witnesses 81, 109–10, 117
Origin and history 31–2
Assessor 39
Attorneys 39, 40, 107
Calculators 82–3, 107, 138–9, 191
Chancellor 39, 107, 132
Curatore 107, 136
Experts 86–7, 136, 143
Merchant deputies 85
Notary 89
Secretary see Chancellor
Vice-chancellor 89, 136
of 1561 34, 83, 112–13
of 1601 39
Customs fraud 139–41
Cyprus 174
D’Attigian, Mattus 160
Da Fabriano, Gentile 163
De’ Medici, Alessandro see Alessandro, Duke of Tuscany
De’ Medici, Cosimo I see Cosimo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany
De’ Medici, Cosimo III see Cosimo III, Grand Duke of Tuscany
De’ Medici, Ferdinando see Ferdinando I, Grand Duke of Tuscany
De’ Medici, Ferdinando II see Ferdinando II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
De’ Medici, Giancarlo, Cardinal 35
De Norvilli, Chealam 160, 173
De Satin-Exupéry, Antoine 143
De Vicq, Mattheus 15
Del Beccuto, Baccio 163–8
Del Beccuto, Ruberto 37
Del Frate, Tommaso 140
Dethick, Thomas 172, 175–7
Dickinfield, Carlos 133
Digest of Justinian 5, 12, 16, 47, 50–1, 65, for 14.2 see Lex Rhodia de Iactu
Dilman, Federigo 172, 174–8
Dring, Stephen
Account of his voyage 133–5, 138
Career 123
Choice of Livorno to declare GA 137
Collusion with Livorno-based merchants 139–40, 142
Compensation paid to 126
Disembarkation under sanitary regulations 88, 132, 139
Escape from justice 152
Durkenfelds, Charles 136
Admiralty courts 13
Antipathy between common and civil law courts 13
Approach to GA in the 19th century 74
Consul in Livorno 122, 123, 129, 146, 156, see also Clutterbuck, Thomas
Consuls overseas 147
English presence in the Mediterranean 21, 25, 26
English presence in Venice 43, 148
GA procedures 123, 124–7
Natio (factory) in Livorno 122, 128
Parliament 150
State’s desire to control mariners and merchants 121, 124, 146, 190
Variety of maritime capitalism 121, 151
See also London
Ever Given 9, 184, 188–9
Evolutionary story of risk 6–10, 17–18, 154–5, 169, 183, 186
Ferdinando I, Grand Duke of Tuscany 24, 27
Ferdinando II, Grand Duke of Tuscany 22–3, 128
Finch, Sir John 122, 126, 128–30, 146, 190
Florence 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 128
Florentine patriciate 30, 31, 35–6, 40, 163
Foenus nauticum see Sea loan
Foot, Robert 139, 152
Forno, Bartolomo 169–70, 172–6, 178
Franco-Dutch War 166
Freight contract 55, 101, 141, 161, 190
Freight rates 178
French consuls 96, 99, 174
French nationes 99–101, 169
French Revolutionary Wars 187
Frosini, Alessandro 40
Frosini, Ambrosio 40
Frosini, Giovanni Vincenzo 40
Frosini, Michelangelo 40
GA see General Average (GA)
Gaeta 92
Galley of Salamis 107, 135, 178, 186
Garzille, Antonio 169–70, 172–8
General Average (GA)
Administrative burden of 191
Advantage for ship interests 174, 186–7, 191
And precautionary acts 50, 74, 81, 98, 101
And sea loan 154, 157, 168–80, 179, 183, 186
And unseaworthiness 102
Calls for abolition 5, 184, 188–9, 191
Chinese law of 190
Circumstances in which common contribution was used
Assistants 97
Avanias 99
Beaching 57, 59, 60, 66, 89, 97, 98, 143
Bribes 97, 100, 169
Combat 97, 125–7, 131–4
Compensation for crew 123, 126, 132, 136, 140, 150–1
Compensation for Suez Canal Authority 190
Cottimo 98, 100–1
Divers’ fees 97, 102–3
Extraordinary expenses 89, 98, 169
Gifts 100
Mast cutting 50, 5, 63, 77, 93–4, 143
Messengers 97, 160
Ransom 50, 61, 68, 125
Rope cutting 89, 98, 143, 160
Seamen’s wages 97, 128–30, 160
Taxes 97
Transshipment to small boats 50, 89, 160
Victuals 160
See also Jettison
Common safety vs common benefit approach 5, 96, 191–2
Consolidation out of previous practices 101, 192
Contribution of freight towards 58, 63, 68, 72, 72, 84, 97, 160–8, 174–7
Modern-day 49
Of Baldasseroni 48
Of Casaregi 72
Of Targa 68–9
Of Weytsen 64
English GA procedures see under England
Genoese GA procedures see under Genoa
Overloaded 180–2
Principle 2, 46, 103
Voluntary/Involuntary distinction 93–5
York Antwerp Rules (YAR) 49–50, 52, 188–9, 190
See also GA procedures under Court of the Consoli del Mare
Conservatori del Mare 34, 46, 66
Consuls abroad 92
Differences with Livorno 30
Finance 169–70
Free port 24, 142
GA procedures 34, 91, 145–6
Maritime law 47
Political economy 142
Reception of the Llibre del Consolat de Mar 56
Rivalry with Livorno 29
Rota (court) 41
Germinamento 60, 65–7, 119
Gherardini, Camillo 37
Ghibellini, Amadio 40
Gibraltar 96
Gilles, Carlo 172, 175–7
Goldman, Berthold 11
Goldschmidt, Levin, 59
Good faith 44
Governor of Livorno 32, 106, 117, 152
Grain 103, 141–2
Gravesend 132
Grendi, Edoardo 120
Hamburg 125, 171
Harris, Ron 8–9, 155
Hermogenian (Roman jurist) 52
Mutual Insurance 3, 53, 60–1, 105, 192
Premium Insurance
Absorption clauses 189
And NIE 7, 9–10, 155, 186
And the ius commune 118–19
Authorities’ desire to curb usage 63
Companies 156, 183, 187
Early modern insurance rates 159
Free-from-Average clauses 162, 179–80
Insurance ledgers as sources 163–6
Interaction with GA 49, 64, 107–8, 154, 158–68
Invention of 1–2, 153
In Amsterdam 34, 37, 47, 125, 159–61
In Livorno 160, 172
In London 4, 159
Present-day usage 9–10
Prominence in histories of risk management 1
Solve et repete 181
Statuti di sicurtà 47
Ufficio di sicurtà 158
Use of actuarial methods 2, 156
See also Lloyd’s Coffee House
Through sea loan 178
International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) 188–9
Israel, Aron di Samuel 138
Italy 1, 8, 17–18, 46, 56, 65, 151
Ius commune 185
Alleged unsuitability for deciding mercantile cases 42, 102
Court staff versed in the 15–16, 89
Definition 12
Jurists of the 16, 45–6
Position vis-à-vis maritime-commercial law and practice 14, 41, 45, 118–19
Presumptions regarding liability 90
See also Corpus Iuris Civilis
Izmir 123, 136, 138, 147
And collective contribution 46, 53, 55
And interrogatories 110, 117
And sea loan 171
Aristotle and 93–4
As archetypal instance of GA 2, 5, 192
Consultation before 53, 57–60, 91–3, 119
Examples 90, 117, 145
In sea protests 89–91
In the Llibre del Consolat de Mar 57–62, 72, 89–90
In the Tuscan insurance form 158
In the work of Carlo Targa 66–7, 69, 71
In the work of Giuseppe Casaregi 73–6, 192
Low Countries legislation concerning 63
Of slaves 105, 105 n.123
Possible connection with etymology of Average 54
Roman law of see Lex Rhodia de Iactu
Tuscan legislation concerning 47
Juez conservador 147
English attempts to expand consular jurisdiction 120–1, 123, 128–30, 146–7, 190
GA as multi-jurisdictional process 80
Over maritime-commercial cases in Tuscany 32–3, 143–4
Tuscany’s approach to 143–5
Justianian’s Digest see Digest of Justinian
King’s Bench 148
Knight, Frank 9, 155
Lampsen, Ezechiel 152
Lassels, Richard 47
Legal humanism 64–5
Leo X, Pope 56
Lestoch, Buiardi 133
Levant Company (English) 123
Lex Rhodia de Iactu
Absence of word Average 54
And ransom 125
And sea protests 89–90, 184
And slaves 105
And the Digest 12, 47, 50
As earliest expression of law of GA 12, 50
Continuity with modern GA 192
Contrast with GA as practised in Tuscany 16, 46, 118
Italian jurists’ use of 65–6, 72–6
Rules on common contribution 50–4, 57
Valuation of goods 83–5
Lex maritima 4, 185
Lex mercatoria
Medieval 4, 11, 103, 119, 120, 149, 185
New 12–13, 42
Lisbon 96
Attractive for declaring GA 147
Foreign nationes 18, 22–7, 87
Free port 20, 23–7
Definition 23, 28–9
Informal aspects 28–9, 124, 143
Limitations 30–1
Livornina 24–5, 28
Reform of 1676 24, 28, 29, 86
GA procedures see under Court of the Consoli del Mare
Lack of native mercantile elite 16, 30
Naval architecture 29–30
Political economy 101, 119, 141–4, 148, 185–6
Port-of-transit 79
Tuscany’s main international port 16
Llibre del Consolat de Mar
And absence of merchants on board 62, 64
And extraordinary expenses 63, 75, 101
And sea protests 90
And seamen’s wages 128
And Small Average 63, 75
Casaregi’s edition of 57, 74
Constrast with GA as practised in Tuscany 16, 184
Differences with Lex Rhodia de Iactu 48
Goods stored on deck 104
Origins 56
Reception as lex 72
Role in Tuscany 47–8
Rules on contribution 56–62, 89
Seamen’s wages 128
Use by Italian jurists 46, 65–6, 69, 72
Valuation of goods 84–5
Lloyd’s Coffee House 4
London Gazette 122
Insurance market 4, 159
Merchants of 122
Structural impact of role as final destination 144
Lombardo, Giovanni 179
Low Countries
Biscayar and Castilian merchants resident in 55–6
Early modern maritime law developments 62–4, 185
First use of word Average 54–5
GA practices 46, 151, 171, 182
Legislation concerning Average
Een Tractaet van Avarien see Weytsen, Quentin
Hordenanzas 64
Ordonnance of 1551/53 55, 63–4, 126
Tracatus de Avariis see Weytsen, Quentin
See also Amsterdam
See also Netherlands
Luci, Emilio 39, 130, 138
Madasco, Lorenzo 179–80
Magens, Nicolas 125, 171 n.76
Magistrato di Sanità 88, 132
Malynes, Gerard 42, 102, 172
Marseille 24, 29, 84, 99, 101, 147
Mattei, Giovanni Pietro 97
Medina, Rafaello 87
Mediterranean (in historical analyses) 20–1
Meknes 96
Mercanzia (Florentine court) 32
Messina 123, 136, 138, 144, 147, 152
Mestura, Giovanni 181
Migliorotti, Girolamo 152
Mochi, Benedetto 39–40
Molloy, Charles 15, 172
Moneta, Michele 137, 147
Moniglia, Giovanni Andrea 35, 119
Mos gallicus and mos italicus 65
Mun, Thomas 91, 111
Muslims 27
Naples 136, 138, 147, 152
Nationes (definition) 26
Natural law 44
Naviganti (1234) (Papal bull) 171
Netherlands 46, 160, see also Low Countries
New Institutional Economics 4–5, 6–9, 121, 149–50
NIE see New Institutional Economics
Nine Years’ War 167
Nomos Rhodion Nautikos (Byzantine maritime-legal collection) 52–3, 54, 57
North, Douglass 4, 6–7, 183
Ordonnance de la marine 126, 172, 179
Ottoman Empire 123, 147
Out-of-court discussion 118, 139–41
P&I clubs 10
Palermo 181
Paphos 95
Pasqual, Alexandro 132
Paul (Roman jurist) 51–2
Peck, Peter (the Elder) 15
Pepys, Samuel 148
Petitions to the Tuscan Grand Duke 28, 32
Pettinini, Niccolaio 138
Pierallini, Francesco Giuseppe 28, 106, 187
Pisa 31, 47, 56, 78–9, 106, 117
Political economy 30, 45, 120–1, 143–4, 148–52, 185–6
Poltri, Carlo 37
Portugal 132
Pratica segreta (Tuscan advisory council) 33 n.74
Premium Insurance see under Insurance
Private resolution 78–9, 103–4, 140
Prussia 171
Quarantine 128, 181
Quaratesi family 163
Quaratesi, Girolamo 163
Quaratesi Polyptych 163
Reale, Giuseppe 102, 112, 179–80
Respondentia see Sea loan
Ricorso 38, 82–3
And uncertainty 9, 10, 155–6
In the maritime environment 1
Meanings 158–9
See also Risk management
Risk management
And enforcement of payments 179
And the maritime economy 1–2
And the maritime labour force 121, 125, 151
Changes in late medieval period 62
Community of risk 154, 173–4
For the transport sector 10, 168, 174–8, 186–7
In agriculture 151
Multiple, simultaneous strategies 10, 19, 157, 182–3
Partial ownership of assets 157, 168, 180
Recent developments in global risk-management 184–5, 188
See also Evolutionary story of risk
See also General Average (GA)
See also Insurance
See also P&I clubs
See also Sea loan
Rhodian Law of Jettison (Roman) see Lex Rhodia de Iactu
Rhodian Sea-Law (Byzantine) see Nomos Rhodion Nautikos
Rocco, Francesco 15, 65
Rome 56
Rossano, Giuseppe 179
Ruota (Florentine court) 32, 65, 72, 93
Sapientza 147
Schmitthoff, Clive 9
Sea loan
As ‘archaic’ instrument 3
As part of multi-faceted risk-management strategy 3, 154, 172, 179, 182, 186
Attraction for ship-owners 10, 158, 178–9, 186
Definition 3
English terminology 170–1
Extensive use in early modern Tuscany 157, 183
In emergency 82, 100, 174
In Genoa 171, 173
Insuring of 168
Interaction with GA 154, 157, 168–80, 179, 183, 186
Italian terminology 170–1
Sea protest
And bribes 100
And the pre-jettison consultation 92–3
And the shipmaster’s liability 89–91, 94
Between norms and practice 100, 102
Consolato 80
Definition 80
Difficulty in falsifying 106, 110
Fees 113
In the case of the Alice and Francis 123, 132–5
Mention of ‘universal benefit’ 98
Testimoniale e domanda
Creation 81, 88–9, 138–9
Including valuation of property 88, 136
Witnesses 81, 109
Seale, Gisberto 140
Second Anglo-Dutch War 160
Sephardic Jews 25, 27
Serristori, Antonio 129
Sgazzi, Virgilio Andrea 105
Shiltons, Isack 136
Ship of state 3
Shipwreck 47, 53, 58–61, see also And unseaworthiness under General Average (GA)
Sicily 147
Sidney, Humphrey 140
Slavery 27, 105, 116
Spain 55–6, 63, 129–30, 147, 181
Stracca, Benvenuto 41
Suez canal 9, 184, 188, 190
Summary procedure 42–4
Targa, Carlo 15, 65–8, 92–3, 102, 178, 185
Tétouan 96, 103
Third Anglo-Dutch War 167
Tiezzi, Ludovico 138
Titio, Agapito 39–40
Titio, Lorenzo 39
Toleration 22
Transaction costs 189, 191
Trapani 180
Tripoli (Libya) 180
Economic strategy 124
Lack of GA legislation or reform 34, 46
Neutrality 27
Suitability as site for study of historical risk management 17–18, 20
Variety of maritime capitalism 121, 149
See also Florence
See also Livorno
Ulbaldini, Luigi 37
United Nations Inter-Agency Standing Committee 184
Valencia 147
Van Glins, Taco 182
Van Weltrusen, Guglielmo 86
Vancouver 188
Varieties of maritime capitalism 121, 149
Differences with Livorno 16, 30, 148
Political economy 16, 43, 148
Statuta et Ordinamenta Super Navibus 54
Use of summary procedure 43, 148
War of Devolution 181
Weskett, John 172
Weytsen, Quentin 15, 64, 66, 72
Whincop, Thomas 136
Xie Ming 190
York-Antwerp Rules see under Average
Zante 93, 147
Zucchetti, Lorenzo 40