© Jake Dyble 2025
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First published 2025
The Boydell Press, Woodbridge
ISBN 978 1 83765 155 9 (hardback)
ISBN 978 1 80543 264 7 (ePUB)
This title is available under the Open Access licence CC BY-NC-ND
Jacob Arthur Dyble’s work is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU and by the University of Padua under the 2023 STARS Grants@Unipd programme AvCOL - Avania: Commerce, Orientalism, and Law in Early Modern Europe
The Boydell Press is an imprint of Boydell & Brewer Ltd
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The research for the book was conducted thanks to funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation Programme ERC Grant agreement No. 724544: AveTransRisk-Average-Transaction Costs and Risk Management during the First Globalization (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries)
Cover image: Extract from Pinturicchio, Allegoria del Colle della Sapienza (Allegory of the Hill of Wisdom) (1505), Siena Cathedral, Tuscany. Reproduction authorized by the Opera della Metropolitana Aut. N. 293/2024.
Cover design by Wayne Kehoe
Cross references refer to page numbers in the print edition