Cover: Rogier van der Weyden (c. 1400–1464), Netherlandish, Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin (detail), c. 1435–1440. Oil and tempera on panel. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, gift of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee Higginson, 93.153. Photograph © 2024 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
1. John Donne, by Unknown English Artist. (“The Lothian Portrait”) c. 1595. Oil on Panel. NPG 6790, © National Portrait Gallery, London.
2. Portrait of Dr. Donne, by William Marshall. Print used as frontispiece to various editions of his poems, 1635–1650. D25490, © National Portrait Gallery, London.
3. Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece). Workshop of Robert Campin. c. 1427–1432. Oil on oak. The Cloisters Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
4. Doom painting in St. Peter’s Church, Wenhaston, Suffolk, England. Image © Simon Knott and reprinted by permission of the photographer.
5. The Resurrection of Christ and the Women at the Tomb, by Fra Angelico. c. 1439–1443. Fresco. Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali , Polo Museale della Toscana, Museo di San Marco, Firenze.
6. The Last Judgement, by Joos van Cleve. c. 1525–1530. Oil on wood. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
The author and publisher are grateful to all the institutions and individuals listed for permission to reproduce the materials in which they hold copyright. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders; apologies are offered for any omission, and the publisher will be pleased to add any necessary acknowledgement in subsequent editions.