The editor invites submission of articles on the announced themes of forthcoming issues. Submissions will be acknowledged promptly and decisions communicated within six months of the receipt of the paper. Your name and institutional affiliation (with full mailing address and e-mail) should appear on a separate sheet, plus a brief biographical profile of not more than six lines. The editor cannot undertake to return materials submitted, and contributors are advised to keep a copy of any material sent. Articles should be submitted in the English language. Articles are reviewed blindly, so do not insert your name, institutional affiliation and contact information on the article itself. Instead, provide such information on a separate page.
Please avoid footnotes or endnotes.
Do not quote directly from the Internet without properly citing the source as you would when quoting from a book. Use substantive sources for obtaining your information and depend less on general references.
If your article is accepted for publication, we will require a short (max. 50-word) biography for the Notes on Contributors at the front of the volume.
Length: Articles should not exceed 5,000 words.
Format: Articles should be double-spaced, and should use 12pt Times New Roman.
Citations: Limit your sources to the most recent, or the most important books and journals, in English. Cite works in foreign languages only when no English-language books are available. Cite websites only if they are relatively permanent and if they add important information unavailable elsewhere: give both a publication date, and an access date.
Style: UK or US spellings are acceptable, but must be used consistently. Direct quotations should retain the spellings used in the original source. Check the accuracy of citations and always give the author’s surname and page number in the text, and a full reference in the Works Cited list at the end of the article. Use single inverted commas throughout except for quotes within quotes which are double. Avoid subtitles or subsection headings within the text.
Italicize titles of books, plays and journals. Put in single quotes titles of short stories, journal articles and titles of poems.
Please follow the ALT Guideline for Submissions and Style Guide:
Copyright: It is the responsibility of contributors to clear permissions for both text and any illustrations used, which should be b/w only. Please note, however, that ALT does not republish chapters or articles that were previously published elsewhere.
All articles should be sent to the editor, Ernest N. Emenyonu, as an e-mail attachment (Word):,
African Literature Today,
Department of Africana Studies,
University of Michigan-Flint,
303 East Kearsley Street,
Flint MI 48502, USA
Books for review to be sent to the Reviews Editor:
Obi Nwakanma, University of Central Florida,
English Department,
Colburn Hall,
12790 Aquarius Agora Drive,
Orlando, FL 32816, USA