Online sources
1814 Bibliography: Literature From and About 1814 (<>).
Andresen, Anton Fr., ‘Gregers Lundh’, in Norsk biografisk leksikon, 13 February 2009 <>.
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, ‘Mistaken Identities’, The Reith Lectures, BBC Radio 4, 8 November 2016, <> (accessed 23 February 2023).
Breviarium Nidrosiense, ed. Ingrid Sperber with an introduction by Espen Karlsen and Sigurd Hareide (Oslo, 2019) (<> [accessed 27 February 2022]).
Burrows, Simon and Mark Curran, The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe Database, 1769–1794, (<>, accessed 6 January 2021).
Day, Cathy, ‘Cathy Day’s Principles of Literary Citizenship’, (24 September 2012), <> (accessed 23 February 2023).
Ebenbach, David, ‘Literary Citizenship Does Not Mean “Gimme”’, Medium (28 April 2014), <> (accessed 23 February 2023).
Gay, Roxane, ‘The Eight Questions Writers Should Ask Themselves’, (November 2015), <> (accessed 23 February 2023).
Holberg, Ludvig, Danmarks Riges Historie, eds Nina M. Evensen and Eiliv Vinje, Ludvig Holbergs Skrifter (2015 [1st edn, Copenhagen, 1732–5]) (<>).
Kukkonen, Karin and Marit Sjelmo, Literary Fiction in Norwegian Lending Libraries in the 18th Century, (open access database, <> (2019)).
McGill, Robert and André Babyn, ‘Teaching Critical Literary Citizenship’, The Writer’s Notebook (February 2019), <> (accessed 23 February 2023).
Missale Nidrosiense, ed. Ingrid Sperber with an introduction by Espen Karlsen and Sigurd Hareide, (Oslo, 2019) (<> [accessed 27 February 2022]).
Morganti, Charlotte, ‘Celebrating Literary Citizens’, My Two Cents (15 August 2013), <> (accessed 23 February 2023).
R.I.E.C.H. Inventory of Swiss printers and editors prior to 1850, 2008/2017. Bibliothèque Cantonal et Universitaire BCU Lausanne, database: <> [accessed 11 August 2021].
Schiønning, Peter, Dagbog, (online edition, <>) ([1732–1812]).
Schultz, Katey, ‘Literary Citizenship: Point and Counterpoint’, Kateyschultz. com (n. d.), <> (accessed 23 February 2023).
Statistisk sentralbyrå, ‘Hjemmehørende Folkemengde’ <> [accessed 29 September 2021].
‘The Constitution, as Laid down on 17 May 1814 by the Constituent Assembly at Eidsvoll and Subsequently Amended, Most Recently in May 2018’,, <> [accessed 3 November 2021].
Tuch, Becky, ‘More Work, No Pay: Why I Detest ‘Literary Citizenship’’, Salon (23 April 2014), <> (accessed 23 February 2023).
Other recommended online resources (selected)
Det danske sprog-og litteraturselskab [repository of critical editions of Danish classics and historical dictionaries]: <>.
Det norske språk- og litteraturselskap [repository of critical editions of Norwegian classics]: <>.
Litteraturbanken [repository of critical and facsimile editions of Swedish classics]: <>.
National Library of Norway: <> [searchable facsimile editions of Norwegian books, periodicals, newspapers, ephemera and other media publications].
National Library of Norway’s bibliographies (links from entries to facsimile editions): <>, including:
Norske tidsskrifter 1700–1820: <> [periodicals].
Norske bøker 1519–1850: <> [books].
Royal Library, Copenhagen – bibliographies and repositories:
Arkiv for dansk litteratur [repository of Danish literary classics]: <>.
Facsimile editions of selected books and periodicals available from the main catalogue: <>.
Mediestream [searchable facsimile editions of Danish historical newspapers]: <>.
Trykkefrihedens Skrifter [bibliography of press freedom publications 1770–73, linked to facsimile and text encoded edition]: <>.
Royal Library, Stockholm – bibliographies and repositories:
Links to digital collections: <>.
Svenska dagstidningar [searchable facsimile editions of Swedish historical newspapers]: <>.