Appendix 1 Inventories of deadstock on the former Templar estates in Lincolnshire, 1308–13
Content - style instruction: {In this appendix I have used the styles as follows:
Content - style instruction: • p-list1 for the dates; they are the top level of the appendix;
Content - style instruction: • p-list1–1 for the place names – bold for the overarching estates, roman for the places within the estates;
Content - style instruction: • p-list1–2 for the items inventoried – when a list of items is subdivided by room, the room name is in bold in p-list1–2 style.}
Michaelmas, 29 September 1308 – 29 March 1309
Temple Bruer Estate
Rowston (TNA, E 358/18, 16/1)
1 broken iron-bound cart
1 wagon – not iron-bound
1 brass plate
1 bowl
1 metal basin
Michaelmas, 29 September – 23 February 1309
South Witham (TNA, E 358/18, 14/1 dorse)
1 iron-bound cart
2 iron-bound carts
2 brass set pots
3 brass free-standing brass pots
2 small pots
2 pans
1 ewer
2 large vats
11 tubs
3 kimnels1 Kimnel – large wooden tub for brewing, kneading, salting meat, Merriam-Webster Online.
5 barrels
2 old tuns2 Tun – large beer or wine cask, Concise Oxford English Dictionary (henceforth COED).
3 lead vessels – not valued
1 large anvil
1 small anvil
1 large hammer
3 small hammers
3 pairs of tongs
Willoughton Estate
Willoughton (TNA, E 358/18, 15/1; 15/2)
4 wagons
4 iron-bound carts
6 ploughs – not valued
1 missal3 Missal – book of texts used in the Catholic Mass throughout the year, COED.
1 chalice
1 antiphonary4 Antiphonary – book of plainsong for the Divine Office, COED.
1 lives of the saints’
1 service book
2 psalters5 Psalter – copy of the biblical psalms, COED.
1 ordinal6 Ordinal – book relating to the order of service, COED.
2 surplices.
4 broken brass set pots
3 metal pots
5 brass set pots
3 brass bowls
1 brazier
1 andiron7 Andiron – metal support, typically one of a pair, for wood burning in a fireplace, COED.
1 leather oil flask
Bake house and brew house
17 vats
2 large lead set pots
3 casks
12 empty tuns
1 small lead set pot for milk
Tealby (TNA, E 358/18, 15/2)
1 iron-bound cart
1 iron-bound cart
2 brass pots
1 metal pot
2 brass pans
1 basin
Claxby (TNA, E 358/18, 15/2)
1 brass pan
1 pan
Limber (TNA, E 358/18, 15/1 dorse)
1 brass pan
1 metal basin
2 brass pans
1 iron-bound cart
Cawkwell (TNA, E 358/18, 15/1 dorse)
1 brass pot
1 metal bowl
1 brass pan
1 cart
1 ewer8 Ewer – large jug with a wide mouth, COED.
Goulceby (TNA, E 358/18, 15/1 dorse)
1 brass plate
Gainsborough (TNA, E 358/18, 15/1 dorse)
1 cart
1 brass pan
Keadby (TNA, E 358/18, 15/1 dorse; 15/2 dorse)
1 brass pan
1 metal bowl
1 bowl
Temple Belwood (TNA, E 358/18, 15/2 dorse)
1 small broken pot
1 metal dish
Michaelmas, 29 September 1308 – 27 July 1309
Keal (TNA, E 358/18, 14/2)
2 brass pots
1 metal pot
2 pans
1 tripod
1 pitcher
1 bill
1 grater
1 ewer
And other vessels
Michaelmas, 29 September 1308 – 23 February 1309
Mere (TNA, E 358/18, 14/1 dorse)
1 iron-bound cart @ 5s.
1 iron-bound cart @ 3s.
1 brass pot holding 4 gallons
3 small pots
1 metal pot
2 brass pots
Easter, 30 March 1309 – 30 July 1309
Willoughton Estate
Willoughton (TNA, E 358/18, 53/1)
4 wagons @ 6s. 8d.
4 iron-bound carts @ 10s.
6 carts with gear not valued
1 missal
1 chalice
1 antiphonary
1 lives of the saints’
1 service book
2 psalters
1 ordinal
Content - style instruction: {Please set the two next rows (‘robes’ / ‘2 surplices’) as a sub-entry under ‘Vestments’}
2 surplices
4 broken brass set pots
3 metal pots
5 brass set pots
3 brass pans
1 andiron
1 leather oil flask
Bakehouse and brewhouse
17 vats
2 large lead set pots
4 tuns
11 empty tuns
1 lead vessel for milk
Tealby (TNA, E 358/18, 53/1)
2 iron bound carts @6s.
1 iron-bound cart @3s.
2 brass bowls
1 metal pot
2 brass pans
1 baker’s peel9 Baker’s peel – baker’s shovel for carrying loaves into or out of an oven, COED.
1 pig of lead weighing 10 stones @ 4d. per stone
18 willow posts
Claxby (TNA, E 358/18, 53/1)
1 brass pot
1 brass pan
Limber (TNA, E 358/18, 53/2)
1 brass bowl
1 metal pot
2 brass pans
1 iron-bound cart
1 broken iron-bound cart
Cawkwell (TNA, E 358/18, 53/2)
1 brass bowl
1 metal pot
1 pan
Goulceby (TNA, E 358/18, 53/2)
1 brass bowl
Gainsborough (TNA, E 358/18, 53/2)
1 broken cart
1 brass bowl
Keadby (TNA, E 358/18, 53/2)
1 brass bowl
1 metal pot
Temple Belwood (TNA, E 358/18, 53/2)
1 broken brass bowl
1 metal pot
Michaelmas, 29 September 1311 – 2 July 1312
Temple Bruer Estate
Temple Bruer (TNA, E 358/18, 38/1 dorse; 38/2 dorse)
2 iron-bound carts @ 9s. 6d.
6 wagons @ 6s. 8d.
9 ploughs with all gear @ 1s.
6 boards @ 1s.
1? with ewer 1s.
10 silver spoons @10d.
1 tin salt cellar
2 baskets
3 knives @ 4d.
9 casks
1 pipe10 Pipe – large cask for wine, especially as a measure equal to two hogsheads, COED.
3 barrels
1 iron-bound barrel
1 iron-bound keg
2 tin pots
3 tankards
2 tuns @ 10s.
1 maplewood mazer with silver feet @ 10s.11 Mazer – hardwood drinking bowl, COED.
1 goblet with silver feet @ 10s.
2 lead vessels @ £1
1 moveable lead vessel @ 6s.
1 large vats
20 small vats
2 tubs @ £1
3 brass set pots @ £1
5 brass pots @ 10s.
3 metal basins @ 1s. 6d.
1 brass pan with feet @ 2s.
1 brass pan with feet @ £1
2 worn out brass pans @ 1s.
1 brazier
3 tripods
3 knives
1 saw
1 iron spit @ 2s.
Farm buildings
8 tuns
3 troughs
1 board @ 2s.
Dairy building
8 lead pans each @ 4s.
2 lead set pots with small utensils @ 4s.
1 plate
1 chisel
2 large hammers
2 small hammers
4 pairs of tongs
1 chisel @ 12s.
Carpenter’s shop
1 large axe
2 axes
1 bier
1 saw
2? @ 2s.
40 quarters of lime in the kiln @ 4d. per quarter
Rowston (TNA, E 358/18, 38/2 dorse)
1 iron-bound cart @ 10s.
4 ploughs with gear @ 4s.
1 brass pan
1 metal basin
1 brass bowl @ 8s.
Kirkby (TNA, E 358/18, 38/2 dorse)
1 iron-bound cart @ 6s.
2 ploughs with gear @ 1s.
1 brass pan
Brauncewell (TNA, E 358/18, 38/2 dorse)
1 iron-bound cart @ 5s.
2 carts @ 1s.
1 brass pan with tripod @ 1s.
Welbourn (TNA, E 358/18, 38/2 dorse)
1 brass bowl @ 1s.
Wellingore (TNA, E 358/18, 38/2 dorse)
1 brass pan @ 2s.
1 metal basin @ 2s.
Michaelmas, 29 September 1311 – 16 June 1312
Aslackby Estate
Aslackby (TNA, E 358/18, 39/1)
2 iron-bound carts with all gear @ 10s.
2 iron-bound carts with all gear @ 5s.
4 ploughs with all gear @ 1s 6d.
2 boards with trestles and 1 tablecloth @ 2s.
3 brass 4 gallon pans
1 brass 3 gallon pans
2 broken metal basins
3 broken brass bowls
1 axe
2 knives for vegetables
1 iron spit
7 tuns
4 barrels
2 vats
2 tubs
1 trough
2 knobs
1 tank
5 hay forks
2 shovels
2 spades
4 iron hay forks
1 axe
1 gimlet12 Gimlet – small T-shaped tool with a screw tip for boring holes, COED.
1 chalice with paten @ 6s. 8d.
2 pipes for the altar
1 missal
1 ordinal
1 portable breviary13 Breviary – book containing the service for each day to be recited by those in Orders in the Roman Catholic Church, COED.
1 lives of the saints’
1 psalter
Michaelmas, 29 September 1312 – 6 June 1313
Eagle Estate
Eagle (TNA, E 358/18, 39/1)
1 iron-bound cart @ 6s. 8d.
2 iron-bound carts @ 4s.
2 iron-bound wagons @ 6s. 8d.
2 wagons without iron @ 3s.
5 ploughs @ 1s. 6d.
1 ewer
1 large basin
1 ewer
4 boards with trestles
3 small benches with feet
2 fixed tables – not valued
1 old broken bench
2 chairs
4 small benches
Store room (Cellar)
1 tablecloth with cover
1 piece of canvas
10 old and broken bowls, goblets and mazers
2 tankards
1 pail for an ale feast
2 small kegs
2 iron-bound barrels
7 tuns
2 barrels for an ale feast
3 broken tanks
1 salt cellar
1 pewter pitcher
1 cupboard
1 pair of balances
6 small ?
6 knives for cutting bread
1 large tank
1 tub for butter
1 small tank for oil
2 bread baskets
3 casks for flour
1 handle for hauling a bucket from the well
1 pair of iron fetters
2 small tubs for fuel
3 set pots – not valued
1 large brass pan, size 10 gallons, broken and worn
7 brass pans, size 1 gallon, worn
4 metal pots
1 large brazier
2 small braziers
1 iron spit
1 tripod
3 stools
1 brass pan for fruit
1 grater
1 large knife for meat
1 knife for cutting vegetables
1 lead set pot – not valued
5 lead vessels?
1 churn
2 tubs
6 scoops
1 board
1 iron tripod
2 lead set pots – not valued
2 lead troughs
16 large vats
6 knobs
3 tubs
2 large bowls
1 pair of tongs
1 large basket for malt
3 carrying baskets
3 large troughs
3 flour baskets
2 tubs
2 sieves
1 strainer of dregs for the malt kiln
Carpenter’s workshop
2 axes
3 chisels
7 gimlets
2 braziers
1 tumbrel14 Tumbrel – open cart that tilted backwards to empty out its load, COED.
1 chisel
1 chain
1 large iron hammer
2? of iron
1 large brazier
3 small braziers
5 large hammers
3 hand hammers
4 flails
7 pairs of tongs
1 forge hammer
2 pairs of pincers
2 palettes
1 pair of bellows
1 chalice with paten
2 pipes for the altar
2 sets of vestment
1 missal
1 troper15 Troper – medieval book containing tropes or sequences for farsing the sung parts of the Mass,
1 ordinal
1 antiphonary for the whole year
4 books
2 psalters
1 censer16 Censer – container in which incense is burnt, COED.
2 pewter candlesticks
And other books with vestments and various sacred relics and crosses at the same place in one chest being under the said of the said David [Sir David Graham] and William [William de Spanneby]
Michaelmas, 29 September 1312 – 24 December 1312
Carlton (TNA, E 358/19, 31/2)
1 iron-bound cart @ 4s.
3 ploughs with all gear @ 1s.
1 brass pan
1 metal basin
1 tripod
Michaelmas, 29 September 1313 – 8 December 1313
Aslackby Estate
Aslackby (TNA, E 358/18, 55/1; 55/2)
3 carts
1 worn cart
3 ploughs
1 worn plough.
2 boards with trestles
1 trough
3 brass bowls
2 metal pots
2 brass pans
1 cauldron
2 tanks in the kitchen
1 chalice with paten
3 pipes
1 missal
1 ordinal
1 portable breviary
1 lives of the saints’
1 psalter
7 vats
4 barrels
2 vats
2 vessels
1 trough
2 knobs
5 forks
2 boards
2 mattocks
4 hay forks
1 axe
No other accounts give any indication of dead stock.
1      Kimnel – large wooden tub for brewing, kneading, salting meat, Merriam-Webster Online»
2      Tun – large beer or wine cask, Concise Oxford English Dictionary (henceforth COED). »
3      Missal – book of texts used in the Catholic Mass throughout the year, COED. »
4      Antiphonary – book of plainsong for the Divine Office, COED. »
5      Psalter – copy of the biblical psalms, COED. »
6      Ordinal – book relating to the order of service, COED. »
7      Andiron – metal support, typically one of a pair, for wood burning in a fireplace, COED»
8      Ewer – large jug with a wide mouth, COED. »
9      Baker’s peel – baker’s shovel for carrying loaves into or out of an oven, COED. »
10      Pipe – large cask for wine, especially as a measure equal to two hogsheads, COED. »
11      Mazer – hardwood drinking bowl, COED»
12      Gimlet – small T-shaped tool with a screw tip for boring holes, COED»
13      Breviary – book containing the service for each day to be recited by those in Orders in the Roman Catholic Church, COED. »
14      Tumbrel – open cart that tilted backwards to empty out its load, COED. »
15      Troper – medieval book containing tropes or sequences for farsing the sung parts of the Mass, »
16      Censer – container in which incense is burnt, COED. »