General Index
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Abingdon, abbey of 283–4, 308–9, 339–40
abscesses 121, 147–9, 199–200, 238–9
ear of rye ingested 251–2
stone falls in ear 245
wall falls on infant 290–1, 341–2
worker buried 299–30, 346–8
see also drowning; sea travel; suffocation
Ada, inhabitant of London 161
Adam de Hadlega 154–5
Aeliza, wife of Alan of Ratling 197, 304
Agnes, inhabitant of Canterbury 122–3
Agnes, inhabitant of Cornwall, widow of William 286
Ailmer, inhabitant of Canterbury 173
Ailred, sailor from Exeter 257
Ailwin, sailor from Bristol 256
Albert, papal legate 20–2, 51
Albinus, abbot of Darley 26, 235–6, 305
Albreda, wife of Eustace of Malling 172–3
alcohol and drunkenness 65, 114, 222, 275, 291–2, 336, 344
acting as if drunk 285
Aldida, inhabitant of Staffordshire 211
Alditha, inhabitant of Worth 102
ale-making, miracle involving 291–2
Alelm, reveler at St. Omer 242
Alexander III, pope (1159-1181) 2, 20–2, 46, 50–1, 63–4, 78–80, 100
canonization of Becket 2, 20–2, 47, 50–1, 227
excommunications 60, 63–4, 100 n.52, 305, 314–16
legates of 20–2, 47, 51
papal schism 21, 51, 78–80
relationship with Henry II 21, 47
Alexander, son of Hugh de Bodebi, knight 29, 287, 310
Aliza, wife of the fisherman Martin of Leicester 250
Aliza of Northampton, wife of the tanner Roger 213–14
alms, given to the poor 72, 102, 160, 178, 227, 251, 253–5
Alvida, daughter of Edith 188
Amalric, from region of Thérouanne and Ponthieu 245–6
ampullas 103–5, 105–6, 181–2, 182–3, 183, 233, 235–8, 280, 289, 291
manufacture of 182
string holding ampulla effects miracle 291
see also Becket, blood of; water relic
anchors, miracles involving 257–8, 330
Anfrid of Ferring, knight 241–2, 305
barking dogs silenced 266
hawk returned 202
horse’s eye healed 190–1
worms expelled 122–3, 153
Anselm, monk of Reading 338–9
Anselm, priest of St. Swithuns, London 156–7, 338–40
Ansfreda, daughter of Hubert of Canterbury 152
Ansfrid, son of Edwin of Dover 135–6
aqueduct construction 299–301, 346
arm pain 94–5, 119, 127–8, 152, 160, 259
Augustine, monk of Reading 290, 340
Avisa of Goshall, daughter of Ordgar the skinner 176–7
Aziria, wife of knight William of Earley 149–50, 306
bakers, miracles concerning 114–15, 232–3, 248
Baldwin of Forde, archbishop of Canterbury 58
Baldwin, inhabitant of Parndon 234–5
Bartholomew, bishop of Exeter 84, 306
baths, at city of Bath 281–2, 339
Beatrice, daughter of William of Ramsholt 1, 198–9
Beatrice, pauper of Woodstock 24–5, 186–7
Becket, Gilbert, father of St. Thomas Becket 7–8, 258
Becket, Thomas, St., archbishop of Canterbury
as archbishop of Canterbury 8–11
as provost of Beverley 142, 324
blood of 12–13, 16–18, 49, 56–7, 70–3, 76, 78, 85, 96–7, 102–8, 114–15, 118, 120–1, 123, 135, 144, 162, 173, 179, 194, 235–8, 248, 250, 252, 262, 274, 280–2, 294, 297, 299, 332, 344, 347
collected from martyrdom site 72
cloth stained with 72, 96, 103, 114–15, 281
miracles of multiplication or disappearance 102–6
mixed with water (beginning of practice) 16–18, 96–7, 107
pilgrims anointed with 108–9, 115, 118, 120, 144, 162, 194, 250, 281
seen in visions 50, 178–9, 252, 262
sent to St. John’s Abbey, Colchester 104–5
track of on face after martyrdom 12, 72, 252, 262
see also water relic
body of 12–13, 70–3, 116, 130–4, 175, 234–5, 266
hammer and axe found underneath 72
temporary translation of 130–3
threats to carry off or destroy 73, 130–1, 133
track of blood on face 12, 72, 252, 262
brains of 56, 70, 85 n.8
burial of 13, 15, 73
canonization of 2, 20, 21–2, 47, 50–1, 227 n.9
clothing of 8, 57, 72–4, 85, 100, 105–6, 138, 152
belt, worn during martyrdom 22, 138
cloak, worn during martyrdom 70, 72–3, 100, 105–6
given to the poor after martyrdom 13, 72, 105–6, 152
glove 203
hairshirt 13, 73–4, 191, 204, 208, 242–3, 294–5, 344–5
outer garment, worn during martyrdom 72–3, 152
shirt 57
slipper 139
stole 152
surplice 57
vestments 73, 83, 150, 191, 252
compared to Abel (biblical figure) 84–5
compared to the apostles 87–8, 168, 346
compared to Christ 11–12, 17, 37–40, 45–6, 48–9, 59, 70–2, 93, 97, 168–70, 238, 274, 280
compared to St Martin of Tours 170, 266
confrontation with knights in archbishop’s palace 60–7
cult of
Becket as doctor of the sick 153, 154, 182, 201, 248
Becket better than other saints and martyrs 80, 87–8, 232
Becket seen walking on water 256–7, 329
period of persecution 14–18, 83–4, 92, 97, 100, 102, 141, 169–70
slow beginning, “first days of miracles” 14–18, 46, 90, 179, 181, 208
see also ampullas; Becket, blood of; Becket, clothing of; Becket, tomb of; glass vessels; candles; coins; confession of sins; crosses; invocation of Becket’s name; measurement; miracles; pilgrimage to Canterbury; pyxes; offerings; water relic
death of 10–13, 67–71, 74–5, 169
dispute with Henry II 8–9, 14, 37, 61–7, 224 n.6
dust of bed, in London, drunk with water 151
early life 7–8
enemies of 25, 61, 69–70, 97, 100, 104, 130–1, 133, 141, 169, 177, 208–9, 228
exile of 9, 10, 13, 69, 98, 105, 159, 208, 345
foreknowledge of death 69, 74
ill in Kent at house of Turstan of Croydon 275, 336
liturgical Office of 4, 51–5, 85 n.8, 89 n.21, 91 n.26, 172 n.14, 222 n.3, 237 n.32
murder of, see death of
relationship with Christ Church monks 8–9
tomb of 15–16, 90, 95, 130, 133–5
altar next to 180
candles on 168–9
confession before approaching 175; see confession of sins
construction of 15–16, 130, 133–5
crack in 282
monks sitting or observing at 101, 169, 174–5, 180–1, 256, 267
night-time vigils at 96, 121, 130, 143, 185–7
openings in 133–5
pilgrims allowed access to 15–16, 90, 116–17
pilgrims sleeping or resting head on 121–2, 249
Bedford, Augustinian priory of 224, 261
Bedford, burgesses of 228, 325
Belet, William, knight of Enborne, Berkshire 48–9, 94–5, 320
bells, ringing to announce a miracle 214, 227
Benedict of Peterborough, hagiographer
background and entry into Christ Church 6–7
career as prior of Christ Church and abbot of Peterborough, 54–8
composition of the liturgical Office for Becket 4, 51–4
composition of the Miracles 18–20, 22–54, 221, 323–4
composition of the Passion 10–13, 49–50, 54
methods of collecting miracles 2, 5, 18–20, 22–8
and Henry II, king of England 55–6
and Richard I, king of England 7
prejudice against Jews 59, 97, 125, 162
present in Canterbury on day Becket killed 1, 11
silences barking dogs in Becket’s name 266
vision of Becket 15, 83–4
writing style and ability 3–4, 5, 37–8, 59
Bertha of Gloucester (Bertha of Hereford) 91, 306
Bertha, widow of Elias Giffard 211, 306–7
blacksmiths, miracles involving 120, 279
blinding as judicial punishment 80, 224–7, 288–9, 327
blinding as miraculous punishment 249–50, 250, 250–1, 251
blindness and eye problems 92–3, 95–6, 115, 118–19, 120, 122, 134–5, 135–6, 136–7, 137, 138, 152, 162, 174, 176, 186–7, 188, 193, 194–5, 195–6, 196, 205–6, 209, 210, 211, 213, 224–7, 232, 248, 249, 249–50, 250, 250–1, 251, 260, 265, 272, 288–9, 298, 327
blind from birth 162, 195–6, 196, 210, 265
testing vision 135, 162, 176, 195–6, 196, 226–7, 248, 265, 327
“the blind of St. Thomas” 251
blisters, miracles concerning 147, 149–50, 162, 195, 206, 261
blood, see Becket, blood of; flux; menstrual flow
breathing, see suffocation and breathing problems
Brian de Insula, provost 138, 307
Brithiva, inhabitant of Canterbury 48, 95–6
Byland, abbey of 204
cancer 192, 274–7, 335–7
lit candles seen in spot Becket confirmed children 215
measuring for 120, 143–4, 153–4, 198, 223, 241, 268–9, 269–70, 298, 303, 326, 351
miracles of relighting in Canterbury Cathedral at Pentecost 168–72
miraculously relit candles preserved, parts given to petitioners 171
see also offerings, candles
Canterbury Cathedral 22–3, 57–8
altar of Virgin Mary 16, 130, 132
marble pavement of 173
martyrdom site 57, 70–2, 135, 137, 139, 172, 173, 347
opening of crypt to pilgrims 15–16, 96 n.43, 116–17
pilgrims seeing from afar 184, 273
stained glass windows portraying Becket’s miracles 37 n.88, 57, 58 n.129, 61 n.5, 72–3 n.29, 91 n.29, 96 n.41, 99 n.50, 107 n.71, 108 n.75, 117 n.14, 127 nn.27–8, 133 n.36, 182 n.26, 204 n.65, 210 n.81, 214 n.89, 244 n.44, 268 n.83, 277 n.99, 281 n.106, 285 n.119, 290 n.129, 293 n.136, 303 n.16
suspension of services due to desecration by Becket’s murder 14, 47, 76–7, 93 n.32, 113, 116, 306
sweet smell emanating from 121, 190
visions regarding 85–6, 88–9, 130–1
see also Becket, Thomas, St., tomb of
Canterbury, city of
Flemish citizens of 133
hearths lit with fire from miraculously relit candles 171
inns and lodging in 96, 102–3, 126, 141, 148, 172, 178, 189
Jewish citizen of 125–6
prayer facing towards 234
prophecies about 90–1
western suburb of 161
castration, judicial punishment 80, 221–9, 325–7
Cecilia, daughter of Jordan of Plumstock 26 n.75, 274–7, 324, 334–7
cheese and dairy products, miracles involving 120, 145–6, 198–9, 237 n.32, 301, 347, 349
children, at play 106, 114, 198, 222, 245, 252, 268–9, 269, 297–8, 326, 353
children, confirmation of by Becket and miracles where he stood 208–9, 215
children, miracles concerning 29, 107–8, 121–2, 139–40, 144, 151, 153, 161–3, 171–2, 175, 187, 198–9, 201, 210, 213–14, 234, 242–3, 245, 249, 251, 265, 268–70, 277–8, 283–4, 287, 293–5, 297–8, 337–8, 341–4
children, resurrections of 270–4, 277–8, 293–5, 333–4, 334–7, 337–8, 342–4
Christ Church, Canterbury, Benedictine monks 6–7
accused of using diabolical arts 16, 141
grief at Becket’s death 14, 73–4, 76–7, 89–90, 113
petitions for Becket’s canonization 20–2, 50–1
relationship with Becket 6–11, 13, 68–9, 73–4, 76–7
servants of 114–15, 169, 303–4
visions of 83–4, 88–90, 130–1
witnessing miracles at Becket’s tomb 22, 90, 118–19, 127, 133–4, 174, 188, 249, 279
see also Benedict of Peterborough; Gervase of Canterbury; Odo, prior of Christ Church; Ralph, monk of Christ Church; Richard, cellarer of Christ Church; Richard of Dover, archbishop of Canterbury; Robert, sacrist of Christ Church; Roger, monk of Christ Church; William, cellarer of Christ Church; William of Canterbury
coins, miracles involving 34, 36, 196, 200–1, 201, 202, 253, 253–4, 254–5, 256, 271
coin-bending, cultic practice of 196, 271
confession of sins 124, 143, 154, 156, 175, 194, 203, 207, 223, 225, 227–8, 249–50, 250, 292, 325–6, 341
Constance, nun of Stixwould 29, 202–3, 316
constipation 146, 159, 280
of body/general 171–2
of feet, legs, and/or toes 131–2, 136–7, 163, 213–14, 247
of hands, arms, and/or fingers 136, 205, 175, 247, 279, 280
of nerves or sinews 115, 117, 123, 131–2, 135, 175, 176–7, 185, 245, 275
of viscera 292
Corbie, abbey of 288–9
branding arm with 223, 326
carried before Becket 68
commemorating Becket’s footsteps, miracles at 207–15
Invention of the Cross (feast day) 38, 47, 135–6
making sign of the 148, 160, 204, 206, 225, 327
offerings at tomb of (intended for St. James) 159
praying in shape of 282
Curbaran, shoemaker of Dover 200–1
cures, see miracles
curses, illness resulting from 131, 212, 251, 325
de Broc family 9–10, 15, 46, 65, 67–8, 100, 103, 177–8, 314–16
deafness and hearing problems 29, 80, 121, 135–6, 177, 189, 287, 331
stone stuck inside ear 245
testing hearing 189, 287
death and dying, miracles concerning
good death as a miracle 156–7, 157–8
near-death recoveries 114, 119, 143, 196, 197, 199–200, 204, 239–41, 241–2, 242–3, 244, 251–2, 259–60, 263–4, 280, 286–7, 289–90, 297, 340–1
recoveries or rescue of people thought dead 234, 268–70, 274–7, 299–301, 303–4, 346–8, 352, 352–4
resurrection of people who had died 270–4, 277–8, 293–5, 333–4, 334–7, 337–8, 342–4
spirit (supposed) of a dead man 304, 353
womb as sepulchre for dead fetus 241
see also, Becket - death of
death and dying, ritual practices concerning 119, 140, 143, 156–8, 199–200, 204, 234, 239–40, 270–1, 275–7, 278, 280, 294, 300–1, 333, 335, 337, 341, 343–4, 347–8
demons and evil spirits, miracles involving 98–9, 113, 123, 125 n.22, 134, 181, 252, 289–90, 301–2, 340–1, 349–51
diarrhea 146, 245, 297–8, see also flux
dining 96, 145–6, 189, 205, 242, 297–8, 331
doctors 96, 98, 101, 127, 128–9, 145, 153, 155, 157, 184, 202, 204, 241–3, 246, 248, 262, 263–4, 267, 281, 332, 339–40, 343–5
Becket as a doctor 153, 154, 182, 201, 248
saints as doctors 264
see also medicine (of human doctors); surgery
dreams, see visions
dropsy 153–4, 210, 248, 252, 265, 280, 290
drowning 268–9, 269–70, 277–8, 301–4, 337–8, 349–51, 352–3
folk belief that a person baptized on Whitsun eve could not drown 326
see also sea travel
Durand, son of Osborn of Eu 245
dysentery 128–30; see also diarrhea; flux
Eda, venerable woman from Scotland 267
Edilda, inhabitant of Canterbury 117–18
Edmund, archdeacon of Coventry 230, 307
Edmund, inhabitant of Canterbury 35, 118–19
Edric, inhabitant of Worcester 202
Edric, priest of Ramsholt 198–9
Edward Grim, hagiographer 3, 50, 55–6, 70, 208 n.77
Edwin, inhabitant of Dover 135–6
Eilgar, inhabitant of Calne 247
Eilward, inhabitant of Tenham 121
Eilward of Westoning 1, 24, 41, 44, 50, 80, 222–9, 325–7
Eilwecher, sailor of Dover 258
Eilwin, inhabitant of Berkhamsted 173–4
Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of England 283, 307, 339–40
Elias, knight and reeve of Froyle 237, 307
Elias, monk of Reading 281, 339
Elias, nephew of Richard, dean de Siburna 292
Elias of Evesham, compiler of the Quadrilogus II 1, 11, 70
Eliza, inhabitant of Dunton 210
Eliza, inhabitant of Middleton 264–5
Elvida, inhabitant of Beckenham 137
Elward, inhabitant of Selling 134
Emelina, inhabitant of Canterbury 115–16
Emelina, with excessive menstrual flow 190–1
Emma, inhabitant of Thanington 137–8
Emma, wife of knight Robert de Sancto Andrea 39–40, 48, 92–3, 316
epilepsy 80, 189–90, 244, 247, 292–1; see also fits
Eremburga, inhabitant of London 1, 140–1
Ernald, baker of earl Simon de Senlis 248
Ernald from region of Thérouanne and Ponthieu 245–6
Ernulf from region of Thérouanne and Ponthieu 245–6
Ethelburga, matron known to Christ Church monks 119–20
Etheldreda, inhabitant of Canterbury 107
Everard, chaplain of St. Marys, Winchester 239–40
facial disfigurement, miracles involving 122–3, 129, 187, 198, 260, 268; see also leprosy
fasting, voluntary and involuntary 114, 136, 154–6, 200, 229, 237, 239, 241, 263, 275, 332, 335
fevers 101, 107, 115, 142, 151, 177–8, 201, 204–5, 255, 297, 341–2
averted miraculously 232–3, 234
folk belief that person baptized on Whitsun eve could not be burned 326
lit to warm the drowned 277, 304, 338
miraculous relighting of candles 168–72
fistula 144–5, 245–6, 267–8
fits 150, 153, 292–3
Fitz-Eisulf, Jordan, see Jordan, son of Eisulf
Flanders and the Flemish, miracles concerning 133–4, 201–2, 279, 282
flux, miracles involving 128–30, 146, 183–5, 245–6, 280, 283, 297–8; see also diarrhea
foreign objects in body, vomiting, nausea 197
fruit pits 119, 155–6
“seeds” or “material” of disease or illness 129–30, 155, 178, 280
polyp 155
water (from drowning) 269, 353
worms 123, 153
see also accidents; nosebleeds; kidney stones; pregnancy and childbirth
France and French pilgrims, miracles concerning 27 n.79, 84–5, 187, 229(?), 242–6, 247, 257, 263–4, 267–8, 283(?), 288–9, 290
Frodo, from Bury St. Edmunds 138–9
Galen, ancient writer and physician 344
Geldewin, son of Godefrid the baker 114
genitals (male), miracles involving 80, 153, 174, 221–9, 246, 325–7
Geoffrey, blacksmith of Linby 279
Geoffrey, dean of Gloucester 300, 348
Geoffrey Malaeartes, knight 249–50
Geoffrey, monk of Mont-Dieu 290
Geoffrey of Wallingford, monk of Reading 289–90, 308, 340–1
Geoffrey, son of Liviva of Chalgrave 162
Geoffrey, son of Robert and Leticia of Winchester 290–1, 341–2
Gerard of Lille, youth of Flanders 282
Gerard of Samford, knight of Flanders 279
Germany and German pilgrim, miracle concerning 252
Gervase of Canterbury, historian and monk of Christ Church 7, 10, 14, 17, 55
Gilbert, baker of Rochester 232–3
Gilbert Foliot, bishop of London 9, 46, 195, 308, 311, 320, 322
Gilbert Foliot, steward and relative of Gilbert Foliot, bishop of London 195–6, 308
Gilbert, inhabitant of the Isle of Thanet 163
Gilbert of St. Valery, leper 283
Gilbert, shoemaker of London 144
Gilbert, son of Wulviva and Ralph of Sarre 269–70
Gilbert, son of William of Brun 297
Girard, sailor of Dover 330
glass vessels, containing blood or water relic 104–5, 193–4, 289
Godbold, inhabitant of Boxley, daughters of 214–15
Godefrid, baker of Christ Church 114–15, 308
Godeliva, inhabitant of Canterbury 125
Godfrey, bishop of St. Asaph and abbot of Abingdon 25, 283, 308–9, 339–40
Godfrey, son of Adam of Lillingston 186, 309
Goditha, daughter of Baldwin of Wye 170–1
Goditha, inhabitant of Canterbury 108
Goditha, inhabitant of Hayes 210
Godiva, inhabitant of Chelmsford 162
Godiva, inhabitant of Stratford 177
Godwin, inhabitant of Braithwell 188–9
gout, in arm 120
Griffin, inhabitant of Wales 192–3
Guncelin, monk of Norwich 152
Gunnilda de Elfiestun 172
Gunnilda de Hameldene 183–4
Gunnilda, inhabitant of Luton 190
Hadewisa, servant of Richard, dean 292
Haimo, inhabitant of Essex 126
hairshirt for the dying 275, 335
hairshirt of Becket, see Becket, clothing of
Hamelin de Warenne, earl 272, 309, 333
headache and brain 121, 137, 154, 154–5, 155–6, 246
heart problems 172–3, 210, 280
Hedewic, tanner of Gloucester 211
hemorrhoids 278
Henry I, king of England 131
Henry II, king of England 8–9, 37, 47, 61–7, 72, 84 n.7, 285, 331
agreement with Becket at Fréteval 64–5
and Alexander III, pope 21, 47
and Benedict of Peterborough 55–6
dispute with Becket 8-9, 14, 37, 61–7, 224 n.6
penance for Becket’s murder 21, 54
Henry de Longavilla, knight 189, 229 n.11, 309
Henry de Topindenne 215
Henry, inhabitant of Fordwich 120–1
Henry of Houghton, master and clerk of Becket 35, 205–8, 309
Henry, sailor of London 255
Henry, son of Aliza of Northampton 213–14
Henry, son of Eilmer and Edilda de Beche 139
Henry, son of Elias, of the marshes 176
Henry, son of William, knight of Kelvedon 153
Henry the Younger, son of King Henry II 60, 62, 64–6, 86 n.10, 306, 308–9, 311, 317
coronation of 60, 62, 63 n.8, 64
Becket’s affection for 64
hepatic, see liver problems
Herbert of Bosham, clerk and hagiographer 13, 69 n.22
Hermer, son of Tetion 243
hernia 212–13, 287–8, 293–5, 343; see also prolapsed rectum
Hingan, neighbor of Robert de Beveruno 292–3
hospitals 57, 102, 161 n.83, 229, 247
Huelina, daughter of Aaliza of London 93–4
Hugh, cellarer of Jervaulx Abbey 204
Hugh de Beauchamp, baron of Eaton Soton 153–4, 310
Hugh de Puiset, bishop of Durham 26, 63 n.8, 227–8, 310–11, 323
Hugh, inhabitant of Ebblingham 299, 344–6
Hugh Morville, murderer of Becket 67, 310, 323, 331
Hugh, son of William of Bourne 145
Hugo de Tukin, knight of Provins 267–8
humor and laughter, miracles involving 145–6, 180–1, 198–9; derisive humor, 180–1, 181, 182, 183, 250
Humphrey, of the diocese of Chesterton 230–2
incantations and charms 125, 141, 143, 198
Ingelram, son of Stephen de Meinil (of Goulton), knight 261–3, 331–2
Ingram, bishop of Glasgow 354
arm/hand injuries 202, 223, 242, 326
eye injury 249
head injury 223, 326
leg/foot injuries 147, 187, 213, 201
inflicted on Becket and the church 63–6
on side of body, leading to miscarriage 172
prolapsed rectum described as injury 243–4
see also blinding, judicial punishment; castration; wounds
insanity and mental disorder 114, 116, 120–1, 134, 140–1, 150, 243, 252, 253, 265, 266
acting as if insane 66, 197, 213, 226, 243, 245, 263, 271, 294, 344
weary of life due to illness 128
see also suicide (attempted)
invocation of Becket’s name 102, 146, 148, 160, 191, 211, 234, 253, 254, 257, 266, 267, 279, 285, 290, 291, 347
Iselda, daughter of Henry de Longavilla, knight 189
Ivo, sailor of Lynn 258
James, son of Roger de Clare and Matilda de St. Hilary 41–2, 44, 52, 293–5, 312–13, 342–4
Jervaulx, abbey of 204–5
Jewish woman of Canterbury, miracle involving 125
Jocelin de Bohun, bishop of Salisbury 25, 63 n.8, 283–4, 311, 323
John, inhabitant of Bennington 199–200
John, inhabitant of Valenciennes 288–9
John Kinstan, abbot of Jervaulx 35, 204–5, 311
John of Salisbury, clerk of Becket and hagiographer 9, 15, 19, 50, 67, 79 n.13, 105 n.67, 306, 311–12, 320, 322
censure of Becket’s argument with the knights 67
John of the Chapel, clerk of Roger, archdeacon of Shrewsbury 155–6
John, servant of Sweyn of Roxburgh 303–4, 352–4
John, son of Vivian, borough reeve 185, 311
Jordan, son of Eisulf 41, 44, 270–4, 312, 324, 333–4
judicial trials, miracles concerning 221–9, 285, 286, 326–7
Juliana, daughter of Gerard of Rochester 248
Juliana, inhabitant of Godmersham 280
Juliana, wife of Robert Puintel, knight 142–3
kidney problems 139–40, 173–4, 205
kidney stones 161, 279, 292
Laetitia, born of noble father and humble mother 249
Lambert, inhabitant of St. Omer 242
lameness and mobility problems 23, 35, 38–9, 80, 108, 115–16, 117–18, 119, 131–2, 132, 135–6, 136–7, 137–8, 138–9, 139, 139–40, 147–9, 149–50, 163, 172, 173–4, 176–7, 185, 187, 188–9, 192–3, 201, 213–14, 214–15, 245–6, 267
lame since birth 139, 176–7, 213–14, 214–15
recovery tested 177
Lefseda, of the marshes 162
leprosy 229–30, 230–2, 247, 271–2, 281–2, 282, 283, 283–4, 284–5, 299, 333–4, 338–9, 339–40, 344–6
Becket cures more lepers than any other saint 232
relapses of 230, 283
spiritual leprosy, cure of 345–6
Leuric, inhabitant of Barking in Suffolk 211
lientery 128–30; see also dysentery
light, miraculous 170, 215; see also candles; fires
liturgy and liturgical celebration
biblical allusions and 38–9
celebration of the Mass 97, 148, 158, 194, 232, 244, 294, 335, 347
English going to taverns on feast days 222
Office for Becket by Benedict of Peterborough 4, 51–5, 85 n.8, 89 n.21, 91 n.26, 172 n.14, 222 n.3, 237 n.32
priest celebrates Becket as martyr before canonization 227
priests unable to conduct services due to illness 148, 207
stress on events in Lent 1171 and at Easter and Pentecost 1171 in the Miracles 40–9
suspension of services due to desecration of Canterbury Cathedral 14, 47, 76–7, 93 n.32, 113, 116, 306
text of collect for Becket’s aid 351
visions involving 83–4, 88–9, 89–90, 107
see also death and dying, ritual practices; confession of sins; invocation of Becket’s name; prayer
liver problems 101–2, 248
Liveva, inhabitant of Darenth 179–80
Liveva, wife of Godric de Lefstanestun 176
London, city of 96–7, 134–5, 140–1, 144, 151, 176, 255, 321
Luciana, daughter of Walter Torel 212
Mabel, daughter of Stephan de Aglandre 263–4
madness, see insanity
Manwin, inhabitant of Canterbury 115
martyrdom, see Becket, death of
Mary, inhabitant of Rouen 244, 247 n.45
Matilda and Roger, inhabitants of London, son of 144
Matilda de Percy, countess of Warwick 294, 312
Matilda de St. Hilary, wife of earl Roger de Clare 41–2, 44, 52, 293–5, 312–13, 343–4
Matilda, inhabitant of Canterbury, wife of Ertin of Flanders 133–4
Matilda, inhabitant of Cologne 252
Matilda, widow of Robert, son of Gilbert 29, 202–3, 316
Matilda, wife of Geoffrey Paris of Ipswich 138
Matilda, wife of Silewin of Thornbury 197
Matilda, wife of William, son of Robert 29, 202–3, 316
Melania, wife of William of Fontenay 268
measurement, of length of body, body parts, and/or items to make candles 120, 143, 144, 153–4, 198, 223, 241, 269, 298, 303, 326, 351; to make offering of silver thread 268–9
medicine (of human doctors) 94, 115, 128, 143, 147, 198, 204, 264
menstrual flow, miracles concerning 190, 190–1
mental illness, see insanity
concerning accident and injury, see accidents; drowning; foreign objects; injuries; sea travel; suffocation and breathing problems; wounds
concerning animals, see animals
concerning demons, see demons and evil spirits; epilepsy; fits; insanity and mental disorder; suicide (attempted)
concerning illness and disability, see abscesses; arm pain; blindness and eye problems; blisters; cancer; constipation; contraction; deafness and hearing problems; death and dying; diarrhea; dropsy; dysentery; epilepsy; fevers; fits; fistula; flux; foreign objects; genitals; gout; headache and brain; heart problems; hemorrhoids; hernia; kidney problems; kidney stones; lameness and mobility problems; leprosy; lientery; liver problems; menstrual flow; muteness and speech problems; nosebleeds; paralysis; pestilence; phthisis; pregnancy and childbirth; prolapsed rectum; pustules; quinsy; sclerosis (of liver); smell (sense of); stomach problems; swelling; suffocation and breathing problems; toothache; ulcers; uterus; viscera
concerning mental illness, see demons and evil spirits; epilepsy; fits; insanity and mental disorder; suicide (attempted)
concerning natural forces, see ale-making; ampullas; candles; fires; glass vessels; light; rain; pyxes; sea travel
concerning justice and behavior, see blinding; castration; judicial trials; punishments
concerning lost and found, multiplying or disappearing items, see anchors; ampullas; Becket, blood of; cheese and dairy products; coins; glass vessels; humor and laughter; pyxes; water relic
concerning or involving visions, see visions and dreams
cure of the soul through confession more glorious than cure of body 175
denied to boys sleeping on tomb 121–2, 122
greatest, the thronging of the people 91
of good deaths 156–7, 157–8
termed delightful, sport, and/or joke miracles 123–6, 145–6, 181–2; see also humor and laughter
written account of miracles cures swelling 290
Miracles of St. Thomas Becket by Benedict of Peterborough 76–304
additions made after circulation begins xi–xii, 53–4
biblical allusions and biblical parallelism in xii, 37–49
captions not written by Benedict xii
connective organization and miracle matching 30–7
dating of composition to 1171–3 20–1, 40–9, 50, 54
liturgical calendar, chronology, and dated miracles in 40–9
letters utilized in 25–6, 324
manuscript circulation of xi–xii, 2–3
notetaking for 27–9
Prologue of 18, 21, 39, 50–2, 54
read aloud in chapterhouse 36
reconstruction of Becket’s “first five” miracles 47–9, 92–7
three main categories of miracles in 22–7, 92
money, see alms; coins; offerings
Muriel, vomited fruit pits 35, 119
murderers of Becket 11–13, 60–74, 100, 310, 331; see also Hugh Morville; Reginald Fitz-Urse; Richard de Brito; William de Tracy
muteness and speech problems 96–7, 113–14, 135–6, 193, 212, 243, 289, 340–1
Newington, Kent, miracles at cross 208–15
Nicholas, son of Aileva 236, 313
Nicholas, son of Hugh de Beauchamp 153–4
nosebleeds 143–4, 204, 289
nuns and religious women, miracles involving 25, 102–3, 202–3, 235
oblations, see offerings
Odilda, inhabitant of Southwell 209
Odo of Falaise, knight 232
Odo, prior of Christ Church, Canterbury 9, 55, 57, 236, 288, 313, 340–1
offerings 93, 135, 143–4, 150, 154, 159–60, 174, 187, 202, 232, 241, 245, 243, 255–6, 258, 271
annual payment 197, 201, 229
belt 235
bent coins 196, 271
candles 120, 128, 168–9, 223, 298, 303
crosses (intended for St. James) 159
crutches 173, 174, 185, 189, 245
farthing 201
gold 256
hair 189
litter/bed 278
pennies 201, 202, 271, 229
silver thread 268–9
staff 116, 118, 127
stone removed from ear 245
vows of 93, 143, 196, 202, 241, 256, 271, 330
wax 160
wax in shape of anchor 258, 330
wax in shape of body part 150, 160, 187, 190–1
see also measurement for candles
Osbern, inhabitant of Lisieux 287–8
of arm and/or hand 187–8, 207, 211, 262, 279, 280, 331–2
of body/general 80, 151, 155–6, 191–2, 239–40
of feet and legs 126–7
of tongue 96–7, 212
Passion of St. Thomas Becket by Benedict of Peterborough 1, 10–13, 60–75
comparison of Becket’s death to Christ’s 11–13
dating of to 1172, one of earliest accounts of Becket’s death 49–50, 52, 54
surviving extracts found in Quadrilogus II x–xi, 1, 11
peasants, miracles concerning 131, 145, 185 (villein), 250–1, 325
pestilence 198, 270–3
Peter de Arches, knight, healing of wife 278, 314
Peter de Denintona 286–7
Peter de Melida, master and clerk of Lincoln 151, 314
Peter, inhabitant of Essex 126
Peter of Celle, abbot of St.-Rémi 19, 290, 311, 313–14
Peterborough, Benedictine monastery of 56–7
Philip, cleric of Alnwick 246–7
Philip, son of Hugh Scot 277–8, 324, 337–8
phthisis 157–8
physicians, see doctors
pilgrimage to Canterbury
barefoot 127, 263, 273, 286, 294–5, 344
by boat or ship (within Britain) 140, 169, 205
by cart 126, 129, 185, 250–1, 263
by litter or carried 117, 127, 138, 139, 140, 172, 172–3, 173, 205, 267, 278
delayed or put off 93, 102, 129, 244, 272–3, 333–4
dispensing alms while on 227, 251, 253–4
miracles occurring at different moments during 186
predictions of Canterbury as a site for 90–1
secret or unknown to the monks 97, 108, 116, 185, 230–1, 281, 283–4, 284–5, 339
sites for Becket outside of Canterbury, see crosses; Newington, Kent; Whitchurch
vows of 93, 94, 149–50, 150, 154, 159, 186, 188, 190, 197, 202, 241, 244, 245, 246, 256, 262, 263–4, 266, 271, 273, 286, 287–8, 292, 295, 298, 300, 301, 330, 333, 344, 348
see also Flanders and Flemish pilgrims; France and French pilgrims; Germany and German pilgrim; sea travel; Scotland and Scottish pilgrims; Wales and Welsh pilgrims
pilgrimage to Compostela 91, 159, 252
pilgrimage to Jerusalem 90–1, 119, 223, 229–30, 252, 269
pilgrimage to Rome 91
pilgrimage to Saint-Gilles 91
Pontigny, abbot of 69
pope, see Alexander III
at tomb or in cathedral 96, 101, 118, 121, 135, 172, 173, 174, 185, 188, 345
facing in the direction of Canterbury 234
lying prostate in 118, 120, 127, 129, 132, 139, 174, 229, 174, 259, 282, 284
keeping vigil 96, 130, 143, 185, 187, 192, 224–6, 270, 327
“presumptuous” 140
recitation of the Lord’s Prayer 199, 200, 256, 258, 259
text of collect (?) for Becket’s aid 351
pregnancy and childbirth 102, 142–3, 172, 183–4, 241–2, 264–5; see also menstrual flow; swelling, breast; uterus
prolapsed rectum 242–3
punishments, miracles involving 123–5, 125, 126, 133–4, 141, 142, 144, 145–6, 179–80, 180–1, 181, 182, 182–3, 244, 249–50, 250, 250–1, 251, 270–4, 279, 324–5, 331–2
pustules 132, 198, 229, 246–7, 283
pyxes, wooden 102–3, 106, 123–5, 125, 126, 145–6, 179–80, 180–1, 181, 181–2, 236
hung on the wall near Becket’s tomb 181
switch to metal ampullas 181–2
water relic boiling in 123–5, 180–1
Quadrilogus II (Elias of Evesham) 1, 11, 60, 70
quinsy 142, 152, 199–200, 324–5
Radulf, monk of Byland Abbey 204
Ralph de Hathfeld 291–2
Ralph de Tangis 132
Ralph, fowler of Flanders, daughter of 201–2
Ralph, inhabitant of Bourne, daughter of 106
Ralph, inhabitant of Essex 160
Ralph, inhabitant of Sheppey 123–5
Ralph, monk of Christ Church 103–5
Ralph of Longueville, leper 229–30
Ralph, son of Ralph of Lincoln 143–4
Ralph, subprior of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury 254–5
rain, miracle involving 235
Ranulf de Broc, king’s official 9–10, 15, 46, 65, 68, 72, 100, 103, 314
Ranulph, priest of Froyle 237–41
Reading, abbey of 281–2, 289–90, 308, 322, 324, 338–9, 340–1
Reginald Fitz-Urse, murderer of Becket 60–71, 314
Reinard, burgess of Stafford 236
relics of Becket, see ampullas; Becket, blood of; Becket, body of; Becket, clothing of; Becket, dust of bed; Becket, tomb of; candles, miraculously relit preserved; pyxes; reliquary; water relic
relics, swearing on 62, 253, 257
reliquary, containing Becket’s blood and hairshirt 294
resurrection miracles, see death and dying
Richard I, king of England 7
Richard, abbot of Sulby 193–4, 314–15
Richard de Brito, murderer of Becket 60 n.2
Richard de Lucy, royal justiciar 208 n.75, 208 n.77, 315
Richard de Rokeleia, knight 154
Richard, cellarer of Christ Church 12, 68, 74
Richard, cleric of the sheriff of Devon 253–4
Richard, knight of Stanley 205
Richard, master and monk of Ely 292, 315
Richard of Dover, archbishop of Canterbury 7, 50, 53, 80 n.16
Richard, scholar of Northampton 128–30
Richard, son of Roger of Salisbury 178–9
Richard, son of Eilnold of Bearsted 131–2
Richard Sunieve, shepherd 284–5
Richard Wise, member of Rohese de Vere’s household 184–5
Robert, blacksmith on Isle of Thanet 120
Robert, canon of Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire 260
Robert, canon of St. Frideswide’s, Oxford 146
Robert, clerk of Lincoln 258
Robert de Baalim 213
Robert de Beveruno 292
Robert de Broc, king’s official 9–10, 15, 46, 65, 67–8, 103–4, 177, 315–16
Robert de Broi, prior of Lenton 236, 316
Robert de Sancto Andrea, knight 92–3, 316
Robert, inhabitant of London 176
Robert, knight, son of Jocelin of Springfield 156–7
Robert of Cricklade, prior of St Frideswide’s, Oxford 146–9, 222 n.3, 225 n.5, 316
Robert of Swaffham, chronicler of Peterborough Abbey 7, 56–7, 59
Robert, sacrist of Christ Church 24, 138, 183, 287, 315
Robert, son of Asketil 287
Robert, son of Gilbert 29, 202, 316
Robert, son of Liviva of Rochester 268–9
Rochester, city of 114, 148, 184, 193–5, 206, 213, 232–3, 248, 251, 254, 268
Roger, archdeacon of Shrewsbury 317
Roger, clerk of London 151
Roger de Clare, earl of Hertford 41–2, 44, 52, 293–5, 317, 342–4
Roger de Pont L’Évêque, archbishop of York 37, 63 n.8, 311, 317, 346
Roger, knight, son of Herbert of Bisley 157–9
Roger, monk of Christ Church, abbot of St Augustine’s 22, 56, 266–7, 317–18
Roger, son of Savaric de Vallibus, knight 297–8, 318
Rohese de Vere, countess 25, 184, 261, 318
rupture, see hernia
Saffrid, dean of Chesterton 230, 307
sailors, miracles involving 255–8, 328–30
St. Alban 205
St. Augustine’s, abbey of 6, 56, 254–5
St. Catherine of Alexandria 275
St. Cecilia 212
St. Edith of Wilton 212
St. Edmund, martyr 138, 231, 264, 281
St. Etheldreda 211
St. Frideswide’s, Oxford, priory of 146–9
St. Godric of Finchale 88 n.19
St. Giles 91
St. Ithamar of Rochester 194
St. James of Compestela 91, 159, 252
St. John’s Abbey, Colchester 104
St. Lawrence 87
St. Leonard 264
St. Margaret of Antioch 264
St. Martin of Tours 170, 266
St. Omer 345
St. Peter (apostle) 279
St. Stephen (protomartyr) 87, 96
St. Thomas Becket, see Becket, Thomas, St.
St. Vincent 87
Salerna, daughter of Thomas of Ifield 301–3, 349–51
Samson, mute man cured on Easter 113–14
Samuel, cleric 215
Sandwich, port of 159, 282
Saxeva, inhabitant of Dover 127–8
sclerosis (of liver) 101
scourging 223, 326
Scotland and Scottish pilgrims, miracles concerning 267, 303–4, 352–4
sea travel, miracles involving 159, 160, 255, 256, 256–7, 257, 258, 328, 329, 330; see also sailors
Segiva, daughter of Richard of Essex 251–2
Seileva, inhabitant of Froyle 238–9
servants, miracles concerning
female 133–4, 226, 237–8, 292
male 99–101, 114–15, 201, 205–6, 284–5, 303–4
shepherds 145–6, 205–6, 284–5
ships, see sea travel
shoemakers 144, 200–1
Sibilla, matron 253
Silvester, treasurer and canon of Lisieux 287–8, 318
Simeon, enemy of the martyr 25, 183
Simon de Senlis III, earl 25, 248, 318
skin problems, see abscesses; blisters; cancer; fistula; leprosy; ulcers
sleep, see visions and dreams
sleep disturbance, miracle concerning 98–9
sleeping on Becket’s tomb 121–2, 122
sleeping outdoors resulting in illness 113, 132, 206
smell (sense of), miracle involving 121
Solomon, inhabitant of London 152
Stephen, canon of Bedford 261
Stephen de Meinil (of Goulton), knight 261–3, 318–19, 331–2
Stephen, knight of Holland 98–9, 319
Becket’s 152
priest’s, blessed by Becket 102
stomach problems 119, 127–30, 144, 177, 183–4, 251–2, 280, 292; see also dropsy; flux; foreign objects; swelling; viscera
surgery, for hernia 293, 343
arms/hands 94–5, 152, 160, 176, 259–60
breast 238–9
face/jaw 99–101, 122–3, 199–200, 229, 238, 245–6, 284
eyes 162, 194–5, 206, 260, 298; horse’s eye 190
general/unspecified 142–3, 347
genitals 174, 246
head 93–4, 196, 260, 286–7
kidneys 139–40
legs/feet 108, 147–9, 188–9, 192–3
neck 152
stomach 107–8, 129–30, 177–8, 183–4, 261, 268, 278, 292, 304, 338
uterus 203, 263–5
see also dropsy; quinsy
suffocation and breathing problems 98–9, 157, 210, 286, 290–1, 292, 300, 324–5, 347; see also drowning
suicide (attempted) 301–3, 349–51
tanners 211, 213
tavern and wineseller’s shop 144, 222, 326, 344
Tetion, son of Hertran 242–4
Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury 7–8, 336
Theodwin, papal legate 20–2, 51
Thomas of Etton, knight of region of York 142, 319, 324–5
Thomas of St. Valery, adolescent with foot injury 187
Thomas, son of Adam of the marshes 161
Thomas, venerable clerk 158–9
thread, see measurement; offering
toothache, miracle concerning 18, 99–101
clenched teeth 271, 277–8, 338, 341
Turstan of Croydon, clerk 275, 319–20, 336
ulcers 137–8, 150, 149–50, 229, 231, 246, 247, 274–7, 281, 284, 339–40; see also cancer; leprosy
uterus 184, 203, 241, 263–5
Vauluisant, abbot of 69
Vidoch de Anoch 244
Virgin Mary 86, 140, 170, 195, 226, 261, 279, 326, 343, 346
altar of, in Canterbury Cathedral 16, 130, 132
altar and image of, in St Mary’s, Bedford 226, 327
viscera 151, 292; see also stomach
visions and dreams 72, 81–92, 96, 100, 107–8, 120, 127–8, 128–9, 130–1, 136, 139, 149–50, 155, 157, 161, 178–9, 188–9, 192–3, 199, 200–1, 205, 206, 214, 225–6, 228, 246, 250, 252, 255, 256–7, 258, 259, 262–3, 271–2, 282, 286, 229, 302, 304, 332, 302–3, 327, 332, 333–4, 348, 350, 352–3
foretelling Canterbury’s future 90–1
liturgical visions 83–4, 88–9, 89–90, 107
regarding Becket’s blood 50, 178–9, 252, 262
regarding Becket’s position in heaven 86–8, 157
regarding papal excommunication of murderers 100
regarding rewards and punishments for the dead 275
vision of Bartholomew, bishop of Exeter 84
vision of Becket coming out of a shrine 246
vision of Benedict of Peterborough 15, 42, 83–4
vision of monk of Lewes, visited by dead monk 86–7
vision of Orm 87–8
vomiting, see foreign objects
vows, see pilgrimage to Canterbury, vows of; measurement; offerings, vows of
Wales and Welsh pilgrims, miracles concerning 26, 59, 191–3, 265, 280
Walter, clerk of Hatcliffe 266
Walter de Walensis, abbot of Colchester 104, 320
Walter, inhabitant of Berkhamsted 174
Walter, knight of Lisors 247
wandering preacher 106
Warin Grosso, knight of Norfolk 259–60
water relic (“water of St Thomas” “water of Canterbury”) 16–18, 35, 96–7, 107, 107–8, 115, 118, 119, 121, 122–3, 146, 148, 155–6, 156–7, 157–8, 159, 162, 177–8, 178–9, 179–80, 180–1, 181, 181–2, 182–3, 183, 183–4, 185, 193–4, 203, 204, 205, 210, 229–30, 230–2, 232–3, 235, 235–6, 237–8, 238–9, 242, 243, 244, 249–50, 250, 251–2, 259, 259–60, 260, 261, 263–4, 265, 270–4, 277–8, 280, 282, 286, 287, 289, 290, 292, 293, 297, 298, 333–4, 338, 339, 341, 343
beginning of monks’ practice of mixing blood and water 16–18, 96–7, 107–8
changing into blood 235, 235–6
containers kept hidden by pilgrims at first 182
distribution of by monks to pilgrims 96–7, 107, 179–80
importance of for spread of Becket’s cult 17–18, 179, 182
mocking of 183
ordinary water presented as cures ill man 259
similarities to Eucharist 17, 49, 97, 107
stealing of, by women 179–80, 273–4
termed “medicine” 108, 121, 134, 145, 156, 178, 194, 237, 259, 344
see also Becket - blood of
wax, see candles, offerings
Wedeman, inhabitant of Folkestone, daughter of 175
Wekerilda, inhabitant of Horton 40, 136–7
Weremund, son of Wielard of Béthune 242–3
Whitchurch, relics and cures at 191–3
widows 202, 211, 269, 286
five widows praying for recovery of drowned boy 269
miracle concerning dowry 286
William I, king of Scotland 353–4
William, abbot of Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire 260, 315, 320
William Brito, son of Jordan son of Eisulf 270–4, 312, 333–4
William, cellarer of Christ Church 12, 68
William Crispin, youth of St. David’s 280
William de Benewella, son of 251
William de Broc, brother of Robert de Broc 177–8
William de Tracy, murderer of Becket 60 n.2, 70
William de Vernon 263, 321
William de Warenne, knight 236
William FitzStephen, clerk and hagiographer 15, 27, 48, 70
William, inhabitant of Baldock, daughter of 298
William, inhabitant of Gloucester 299–301, 346–8
William, inhabitant of Horsepool 265
William, inhabitant of London 134–5
William, knight of Chester 160
William of Canterbury, monk of Christ Church and hagiographer 3–5, 7, 10, 13, 27–8, 50–1, 55
begins composition of his Miracles of St Thomas Becket in 1172 27
his accounts of the “parallel miracles” (miracles also described in Benedict’s Miracles) 4–5, 323–54
William of Dene, knight of region of Canterbury 38, 126–7
William of Earley, knight 149–50, 306, 320–1
William of Monkton, cleric 50–1
William, owner of houses of Yarmouth 234
William Patrick, servant of William of Warbleton 99–101
William, priest of Bourne 105–6, 321
William, priest of London 17–18, 48–9, 96–7, 321
William, son of citizen of Canterbury 107–8
William, son of Eudes of Parndon 234
William, son of Payne de Pech 187–8
William, son of Ranulf, lord of Whitchurch 26, 191–2, 236 n.28, 321
William, son of wife of William of Lincoln 139–40
William the Templar, abbot of Reading Abbey 281–2, 322, 339
William Turbe, bishop of Norwich 26, 276–7, 322, 336–7
William, villein of Higham Ferrers 185
Wissant, church of St. Nicholas, relics held at 243
Wivelina, inhabitant of Littlebourne 196
Wlviva, inhabitant of Canterbury 35, 118
Wlviva, religious woman 52, 102–3
Becket’s from knights’ swords 70
from lance on jaw 267
swearing by God’s wounds 65
thumb cut with knife 242
“wound of disbelief” 146
“wounds of the soul” 116
see also accidents; blinding; cancer; castration; fistula; injuries