1840–41 First foreign expeditions to access Southern Sudan by river
1860s Meshra-el-Rek established as a prominent trading and slave port
1890s The divinity MAANI seizes Kolang Ket in Koch
1899 Start of Anglo-Egyptian Condominium rule of Sudan
1922 Killing of Dinka prophet Ariathdit in Gogrial by Condominium Government
1925 Killing of Nuer prophet Kolang Ket near Adok by Condominium Government
1955 Torit Mutiny
1956 Sudan’s independence from Anglo-Egyptian rule
1963 Start of ‘Anya-Nya’ rebellion
1964 Bernadino Mou’s Anya-Nya forces attack Wau
Massacre at Lol Nyiel (Gogrial)
1965 Paul Arop’s Anya-Nya forces attack Ler
1972 Addis Ababa Peace Agreement
1978 Oil discovered in Southern Sudan
1982 Anya-Nya II rebels against Sudan government
1983 Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) rebels against the Sudan government
1984 Anya-Nya II leader, Gai Tut, killed on the instructions of SPLA leader John Garang
1989 General Omer al-Bashir becomes Sudanese President
1991 Ethiopian regime falls
Riek Machar rebels against Garang’s leadership of the SPLA
1992 Kerubino Kuanyin is released from prison and rebels against Garang’s leadership of the SPLA
1993 Government of Sudan accepts the role of IGADD (transformed into IGAD in 1996) in the negotiations
1994 Declaration of Principles in Government of Sudan – SPLA IGADD negotiations
1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement
1998 Bahr el Ghazal famine
Riek Machar and Paulino Matip’s forces fight in Unity State
Kerubino Kuanyin temporarily takes control of Wau Town
1999 Sudan government opens oil pipeline in Unity State
Nuer-Dinka Wunlit Peace Agreement
Kerubino Kuanyin is killed in Mayom
2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between SPLA and Sudan government
2005 Death of John Garang in a helicopter crash, and appointment of Salva Kiir as SPLA leader and President of Southern Sudan
2006 Juba Declaration between SPLA and the South Sudan Defence Force
2010 The divinity MAANI seizes Nyachol in Mayendit (Unity State)
2012 Recruitment of forces in Bahr el Ghazal for defence of northern border
2013 President Kiir dismisses his cabinet
2013 Fighting erupts among the Presidential Guard in Juba and South-South wars escalate
2015 Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan
2018 Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan
2019 The divinity TILING seizes Geng Mut in Thonyor (Unity State)
2022 Government forces carry out decisive offensives in Unity State