1. Milele Flats. Photo: author
2. Patrilocal homestead in Kaleko. Photo: author
3. One of Pipeline’s many bypasses connecting the estate’s main streets, ensuring that high-rise blocks can be constructed next to each other without wasting space. Photo: author
4. Muddy road in Kware ward. Photo: author
5. Kenya Pipeline Company housing estate next to Outer Ring Road, established at the end of the twentieth century. Photo: author
6. Spared mabati structure. Photo: author
7. View into one of Pipeline’s main streets. Photo: author
8. Campaign posters at a makeshift dumpsite, Kware. Photo: author
9. Sign giving direction to the Phenomenal Gym. Cartoonish figure with emphasized arm, chest and abdominal muscles, the so-called ‘Johnny Bravo look’. Photo: author
10. Self-help literature sold in a bookshop in Nairobi’s central business district. Photo: author
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